Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Submitted by: Royce Latham via Lame Cherry

The Aggressive Communist Chinese

Before and after photos of the Chinese rape of the South Pacific Atolls

Americans and the rest of the world are about to wake up to what Obama bowing to Peking and Hillary Clinton whoring for checks to cover Obama 20 trillion dollar looting of the US economy is all about, and it has to do with the Chinese rape of the environment and seeking to cut off free travel access in the ocean.

So Americans will understand this, what would you think if the Chinese appeared and started building airstrips and bases on the Aleutian Islands in Alaska, the Florida Keys, the Hawaiian Reefs and the Carolina breakers?
Would you be alarmed if the Chicoms began drilling oil there and announced that no one could sail a ship in those regions?

That is what the Chicoms of Peking have been carrying out in the entire Obama Clinton years with absolutely no line in the sand against China, but Obama could be drawing lines in the sand to murdering LaVoy Finicum for sleeping at a wildlife refuge.

What you have to understand in this, is China literally is seizing reefs so far from their mainland that China is not even in the picture, but the nations in the picture such as Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia whose reefs are being seized and turned into Peking islands, are extremely alarmed over all of this as the South China Sea is an international shipping lane for thousands of years, and is international waters for all peoples to transport their goods.

That is what is behind the Chinese rapine of the ecosystems of the South China Sea and piracy in stealing lands of other Asian Peoples. It is criminal and it is a direct crime against humanity.

For those who think these islands are in any way Chinese "territory", look at the names.

Cuarteron Reef,
Johnson Reef,
Hughes Reef,
Gaven Reef,
Mischief Reef,
Fiery Cross and
Subi Reef.

Nothing at least in the Chinese in any of these territories so far from China that the nations they belong to can see them from their shores.

So this is what is about the words of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in informing the Chicoms that America is not going to allow this piracy nor ecological rape to continue in South Asia in this aggression.

I have listened to the dinosaur and archaic melodrama of Tim Rifat speaking about the War Against China as it will be some dire thing. The American arsenal will not be conventional when it is unleashed, and China will collapse in 30 days, and be eating their own corpses.
As for the dreaded cobalt tidal wave nuclear device, there are measures in which to neutralize this and any other advances the Chicoms have allowed.

The 1600 tidal wave which was spoken of in cobalt types, this would be a wave which would sweep back to China and cleanse the Chinese coast and their reefer islands too.

This is what the world now has to deal with from the legacy of Barack Hussein Obama. In factoring this out in American casualties, it is Obama voters who deserve it and California wishes to secede, so let them and Americans will resettle the scorched earth much to their delight.
Settle the Korean issue, and place the true leaders of China in the Republic of Taiwan at Peking after this is sorted out, and the world will be a pleasant place of President Vladimir Putin and President Donald Trump   co existing equally in pleasant pursuits that gentlemen engage in.

The communist Chinese whom Obama bowed to are sea terrorists and they are the 21st century pirates who Hillary Clinton whored for. America seeks peaceful relations with the world, but this naked aggression of Peking in threatening to annex parts of other Nations will have them if allowed annexing and exterminating other Asians, before they move out into the American possessions in the Pacific.

I realize the Fake News media of Obama Clinton has been too busy smearing President Trump and manufacturing Russian hacking stories, so that few are aware of the Chicom aggressions against the world, but now it is in plain sight, and it is God given fortunate that President Donald Trump is now in power to bring this to a successful conclusion and Secretary Rex Tillerson understands completely the problems which Obama and his Peking girls have left for the world to deal with.

China is guilty of crimes against humanity and crime against the ecology of the world, as proven by the above evidence. This is who George Soros invites with the cartel to Davos in the dictator Xi, when Peking should have been ostracized   for the rogue terror state it is.

HW Bush built this menace which is a cancer eating world resources and killing the oceans and atmosphere. This is the neocon product. Russia is not the problem for America. China is the problem against world civility. This is now understood and the horizon point is arrived to contain China, not in ridiculous land wars of US Soldiers but advanced weaponry designed to make a majority of the Chin to be good Chinese and to free the rest of the Peoples of China from this menace which has enslaved them for thousands of years.

Nuff Said

Chicom aggression.

Chicom ecological destruction

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