Monday, November 28, 2016


From: charlite...PAT CONDELL: A Word To The Criminal Migrant [Many thanks to Jim O'Neill]
From: damselnusa...'Sanctuary California' Faces Bankruptcy if Trump Withholds Funds

BJ3: Sure. because they don’t want them back...and want the revenue flow to continue...
What’s with the Surge in Illegal Immigrants Crossing the Border? Is Trump’s Shifting Rhetoric a Cause for Concern?

Democrat Supervisor Hilda Solis wants to explore how LA can resist federal deportation efforts

By Stephen Frank on Nov 26, 2016 01:22 pm       Is it in their DNA?  Are Democrat office holder always law breakers?  In LA County radical Supervisor Hila Solis, a former member of Congress, is demanding the County RESIST obeying Federal law.  She wants law enforcement to refuse to obey THEIR oath of office and refuse to enforce Federal laws.  Under the law, local law […]  

From: Peri McMillan...President Trump, Backtracking Could Erode Your Base...Promise is a big important word, it either makes something, or it breaks everything. Remember when your loved one made you a promise and then broke it, how hid you feel? I tell you how you felt. You felt betrayed. Once trust is broken, it's almost impossible to mend. Things after that are never the same. Trust and honor are the most important quality one can posses. Americans have been betrayed for decades. Mr. Trump, you gave us hope to dream again, don't backtrack on your promises...   by Kelleigh Nelson
From: Jenny...African Migrants Riot Against ‘Racist’ Italians: ‘Allah Will Guide Us in Revenge’ 

BJ3: Again, it’s about time...From: charlite...6 mins, 22 secs. Once this catches fire all over Europe, we could see a massive populist rejection (and EJECTION) of Muslim invaders. Clearly Italians loathe these sub-humans - and I'm sure that natives of all other European countries are at the end of their patience with this Islamic conquest-by-demographic invasion that has been promoted by their socialist governments for 3 generations.  The coming decade might bring a reversal via popular uprising, then relief from this scourge at last. Italians SICK TO DEATH of Muslim invasion - "Burn them!" [MUST WATCH!]<<<<<<<<<

From: GEGriffin...US: Here is a list of news sources and reporters who have engaged in lying to the public with ‘fake news’ reports that carried a collectivist political agenda, including duping the public into supporting wars based on fake news. RPI 2016 Nov 19
From: GEGriffin...The EU has joined the US in declaring war on ‘fake news’, which is the name they have given to information that is critical of the policies of the establishment. An EU resolution blames Moscow for the rise of populism in Europe instead of its own policies, such as opening its borders to hordes of migrants and the abandonment of national sovereignty. ActivistPost 2016 Nov 24

From: U.R.... Hmmmmm SORTA what one had to expect FROM COMMIES..."The recounts, if done by hand, which can be demanded, may take longer than the last day for completing the official counts in a state and directing Electoral College voters.  If all 3 states miss the deadline, Trump is at 260, Hillary at 232.  No one hits 270.  Then this goes to Congress, where the House voting 1 vote per state elects Trump, and Senate selects Pence. This would be first time this happened since 1824, but in that case, John Quincy Adams won in the House, though he had fewer electoral college votes than Andrew Jackson."
From: charliteDozens of these Clintonista vultures should end up in the slammer...and if Trump intends to 'drain the swamp,' there is no deeper place in the swamp to begin than this GRAFT CENTRAL - Clinton Global Enterprises, Inc.

From: Jenny...
Kellyanne Conway Unloads on Mitt Romney: “We Don’t Even Know if He Voted for Donald Trump” (VIDEO)
BJ3: Never trust a snake...From: Kathy Hawkins...Jeb has only gotten to where he is purely by his last name! NEVER SEEN SUCH A STUPID MAN! Kat... Wow – Jeb Bush Leaps In To Help President-elect Donald Trump
Donald Trump ran his campaign with the idea to shake up Washington. In the final weeks of that campaign he proposed term limits for Congressional members. And now a former...
From: Jenny...Judge Jeanine to Hillary: ‘It’s Time to Give Donald Trump His Chance to Lead’

Rider: Fight or flee? The quandary faced by California’s rich — and its conservatives

By Stephen Frank on Nov 26, 2016 01:20 pm      My good friend in San Diego, Richard Rider, presents the quandary many of us are in.  We hate the State of California government, policies’ and Statism.  High taxes, strangling regulations, bad schools, worse roads—government killing off jobs via water policy.  This is a State that does not work.  The voters seemed to have already started ...
From: chuckolb  Documents Surface Proving That Michelle Obama Never Gave Birth To Malia And Sasha

From: RCroyts.....Regarding prosecuting HILLARY...
I know there is frustration among Trump voters right now regarding his organisation process. I've received so many e-mails stating so. But these folks need to keep in mind - he ain't IN the White House yet. So until he is sworn in and officially takes the helm, it is best to remain "at ease" until he is in an official capacity to actually DO something. Course, he has a Mt. Everest pile of issues to deal with, and that includes an obvious reticent Congress. We are so deep down the rat hole that he will have to truly seek the help of the Father to get the weightier matters accomplished. Now if the Muslim Mole pardoned the wicked witch even though she hasn't been charged, AND she accepted such a pardon, it would only fuel the argument that she was truly guilty. I'm reminded of Confederate President Jefferson Davis who too was offered a pardon, but refused because he said to accept a pardon would be an admission of guilt. He knew the South wasn't guilty of anything. He wanted a trial because he and his lawyer Charles O'Conner knew it would vindicate the Southern Confederacy.    Jimmy   (no link)

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