Saturday, September 3, 2016


YOU Must Be Able
TO Teach
In the many sermons that most of you (with the exception of newer recipients) have received each of you should be able to teach Christianity by now.
Instead of me preaching sermons that are of what I would consider, ‘elementary Christianity,’ I have been preaching strong Bible knowledge, the true Word of God. This is tantamount to feeding with meat in lieu if milk.
By now you should be steadfast in your faith and by that I am saying; your faith must be unwavering. In willingly taking up your crosses you have shown your willingly partaking of Christ’s sufferings. You, by your failure to fret or to complain of your own afflictions, are proving your absolute commitment to God’s Word and to His way of living your life.
Think of all the sermons you have heard. Disregard any that I have delivered and dwell on those you have been exposed to over the years of your life.
How many sermons have you heard challenging you to trust the Lord in all things? How many sermons have you heard God’s promises preached to you? How many sermons have you heard that really stirred your faith? How many sermons have you heard telling of God’s blessings to you? Then, ask yourself, and be truthful, when confronted by a trial that questions your faith, were you deflated?
There are literally hundreds of thousands of what can be referenced and identified as ‘sermon tasters.’ They know so many Bible verses, can recite them from memory BUT when their faith is questioned they quail and seek a way out of any discussion about religion. They know the words but fail to live by the only true Word. When their knowledge of what has been taught is questioned they fall back on interpretations given them but can show no Bible Word to back those interpretations or they get angry.
If you recall Moses leading the people of Israel from the bondage of Egypt you will recall them crying out to return to slavery as the Pharaoh’s army closing in on them.
Exodus 10 As Pharaoh approached, the Israelites looked up, and there were the Egyptians, marching after them. They were terrified and cried out to the LORD. 11 They said to Moses, "Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die? What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt? 12 Didn't we say to you in Egypt, 'Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians'? It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!"  
The Israelites Moses led had already witnessed and benefited from   miracles God had provided were quick to abandon their faith in a time when that very faith should have sustained them. God had led them with a cloud during the day and a pillar of fire by night yet that apparently was not enough!  Their anger showed in their stated desire to return to slavery.
Although many churchgoers listen to and hear sermons telling of the need to trust in God, His promises of protection, of His many blessings bestowed upon us as they are stirred by these messages they quail at the first sign or sight of adversity. Many never sought the true Word and relied upon another to tell them their own beliefs.
What my sermons are intended to do is to make you ‘battle hardened,’ and eager to face adversity. God’s knowledge imparted by the Holy Spirit and your knowledge that your place in Paradise being assured through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, must be your strength and see you through. Everything I preach on has Scripture to ‘back up’ my thoughts and I provide those Words of God.
Without a doubt I know that many, if not all of you, have experienced God’s discipline as well as His deliverance from the many trials of life. You are one of God’s warriors, a battle hardened veteran.
I repeat, it has not been my words that I have been preaching to you in my effort to prepare you for the great battle, it is God’s Word that I have preached and it His Word that will see you through.
It is your duty to teach your children of God’s Word and of His wishes. Just as you teach your children you must see any person that you meet as a child in need of teaching.
Deuteronomy 11: 18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 20 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates, 21 so that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land that the LORD swore to give your forefathers, as many as the days that the heavens are above the earth. 
In teaching God’s Word with the faith of a child, you are exhibiting your trust in Him.
At this point in our lives, and I speak to you as not only mature Christians but as mature men and women as well. We have each proven to be faithful in the midst of dire circumstances and we have relied upon Him as our source of strength.  Each has, in one way or another, been touched by His healing hand, received His comforting, His guidance and the fulfillment of His promises over the decades of our lives.  
What I am trying to tell each of you is if you are truly a Christian servant of the Most High then you are one of His teachers.
As you teach other children and people with child like appetites, it is through your teachings that, with God’s help, you are developing other Christian teachers.
We must prepare those in need of teaching to be prepared for hard times. We must be the servants of God that tell them of the need to trust in God to see them through times of adversity. A recent headline in the Wall Street Journal all but shouted as it read, ‘The World Has Lost All Trust.’ This is only the beginning and we must teach preparedness!
Isaiah 20 Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. 
You, dear friends are among the teachers referred to and must teach!
You might have never taught a class or a Bible study. You might not think of yourself as a gifted speaker or even one to speak before a small gathering but allow me to say this…You are and you will. I say this as I know God is in your heart and He will guide you in times of need. He guides me! He will guide you.
In my many sermons delivered over the past 10+ years I have given you edification of many of God’s Words. I have delivered sermons on: Jesus Christ’s Brevity, The Necessity to Repent, Who Will We See in Heaven, False Teachers, Hell Described, His Many Names, False Doctrines, The Seven Deadly Sins, Obedience to God, Sexual Sin, Church and Work Defined, Parental Duties, Fear/Evil, The Prophesy Given Israel, Time to Believe at ANY AGE, God’s Forgiveness, Dangers of The Last Days, Who Killed Jesus, The Religions of Men, Apostasy, Prayer, Confession to God  and many more. Each sermon was prepared with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and was intended to prepare any that received them to become a teacher of God’s Word.
When you are teaching a child you must be able to begin with the basics; the ‘milk’ for those who are new. The same may be required for persons of age with the exception of their may have preconceived notions of Christianity. Those notions may be false and you must be prepared to correctly teach God’s Word.
When teaching a child you have the benefit (usually) of that child wanting to learn. When teaching an adult you first must develop an ‘ice breaker.’ By that I mean, a method to gain insight into that persons concepts of religion. Maybe this will give you an idea.
Ask that person something such as, “May I ask your age?” Then, “By now you are aware that neither you nor I will be leaving this earth alive, right?”
Now for the biggie; “May I ask, what plans are you making for your eternal life?”
This should provide an opening. If so, with the Holy Spirit as your guide, start teaching.
Dear friends I am asking you to teach Christianity to any in need. I am not asking you to impose your will on anyone that refuses to learn. Just be willing to suffer rejection and pray that God will see His way to have you gain a soul for Him. It is He that will ‘water the seed you sow and if you pressure a person you will find an infertile field!
(Closing prayer)
Almighty God, Father above, we come to You with praise in our hearts and happiness that can only result from Your showing us Your love and acceptance. Praise You Lord, You are our happiness.
Father, we seek to be the teachers that will make Your Word known to any that have a need. Whether a child or an adult, Father, please open the ears of any we speak to and bless us with the guidance of Your Holy Spirit as we seek to teach Your Word. Please grant us the knowledge to speak with the conviction of knowing You are with us and are the source of strength to meet this challenge. Father, please water the seed we sow.
Lord, we ask that You send Your angels to watch over our men and women in uniform and see them safe. Open the eyes of our elected officials and enter their hearts as You instill a spirit of truth in their minds. Guide our judges and have them correctly administer justice. Protect our police officers and those charged with our security.
Father, please see to the welfare and safety of our Christian brothers and sisters throughout the world and protect them from evil. At the time of their earthly demise take them to Your heart and comfort their loved ones.
Father, we ask for You blessing upon our efforts to lead souls to You. As El Shaddai please meet our earthly needs.
We ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son who is our Savior, who is One with You and the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever,
Amen, amen and amen.

Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr
God's Word Christian Ministry
Conservative Patriot

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