Friday, March 4, 2016

NEVADA NEWS & VIEWS 03/04/2016



That’s what I tweeted as soon as Fox News activist Megan Kelly pounced on Donald Trump during last night’s “King of the Hill” debate, in which everyone ganged up on Trump and tried desperately to knock him down, including the moderators.

That’s not just my opinion.  Here’s what the far-left Gawker media site – which DESPISES Trump “with the white hot passion of a thousand suns” – said…

Tonight we saw the attempted assassination of front-runner Donald Trump, beginning early & sustained for almost the entire night. . . . Fox prepared elaborate multimedia presentations (against Trump).  No other candidate faced a similar onslaught.  . . . Near the end of the debate, Fox just openly played a clip from an anti-Trump attack ad, ostensibly as part of a 'question' for Kasich."

This just hours after failed former presidential candidate Mitt Romney and the Republican establishment tried to bushwhack Trump in an embarrassing speech that vomited pretty much the entire opposition research file the other candidates and the media have compiled against the GOP front-runner.

But all the king’s horse and all the king’s men still couldn’t bring Trump down to earth again.  Polls this morning are showing that 60% or higher think Trump won last night.

On the other hand, Marco Rubio – who was foolish enough to think he could out-Trump Trump in a schoolyard taunting brawl – was not only crushed in post-debate polling by Trump and Cruz, but he lost to KASICH!

Stick a fork in “Little Marco,” he’s done. 


Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Publisher / Irritator-in-Chief


  1. George Clooney Just Revealed What He Really Thinks About Donald Trump And WOW
  2. Miley Cyrus: ‘Donald Trump Is A F***ing Nightmare’
  3. Root: Poor Pathetic Sore-Loser Mitt Romney Hands Nomination to Trump
  4. NY Mag: Romney Lying About Having No Interest in Running
  5. Debate Disgrace: Fox News Exposed as Pro-Rubio Super PAC
  6. CPAC Under Fire Over Saturday's Trump Appearance
  7. The Nuclear Option: Trump’s Winning Streak Baffles GOP Losing Club for Losers
  8. Insiders: Convention is only chance to stop Trump
  9. Rubio, Cruz, Kasich Agree to Support Trump If He Is Nominee
  10. Women sue to block New York's 'Tampon Tax'





“(Donald Trump) has put on an clinic on how to win. How to win debates, how to win shouting matches, how to win news cycles, how to win insult face-offs. And how to win in polls and how to win in primaries.  He wins among rich and poor, whites and Hispanics, educated and uneducated. He is just winning so much that we are almost tired of winning already.” – Columnist Charles Hurt

“There's a simple fact that is key to understanding why Trump is winning. He's the first Republican presidential candidate since Bush II to lay out a positive, specific and easy to understand plan for making things better. . . . Whether or not Trump's plan would work in real life is not the point. The messaging is.” – Columnist Daniel Greenfield

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