Thursday, December 17, 2015


From: Jenny...It’s always comes down to food…
Dog has been man's best friend for 33,000 years, DNA study finds

From: sherzieve .....World Leftist Elites go after Trump with a vengeance 
From: Forrest Wooldridge...
America Losing Her Ethos: Why Trump Rises  By Frosty Wooldridge
BJ3: For us, this is a re-run of importance......
From: audree lynn....
Why isn't this in the news?  Oh yes, they don't want us to know. The daily remake of America....From:  John...Amnesty Activists campaign to naturalize immigrants, vote.  Naturalization use to take years.  Now these activists want it to take an instant "I Want" and it's done. Laws being broken daily and our Prez & his admin. ignore the laws they swore to uphold.
Amnesty Activists Launch Campaign to Naturalize Immigrants, Register Them to Vote
From: Sher Zieve...Harry Reid's bother-by-another-Mother...From: Dave Hollenbeck
McConnell Laying Ground Work For TPP Treachery, Sessions Urges Vote , Minus McConnell Ryan Trickery

BJ3: Anyone heard differently?   From: audree lynn...Amen, but why hasn't this been in the news?...
From:  John...
Well, finally someone with some guts and sense.

From: Sher Zieve   From: Dave Hollenbeck
Weekly Immigration Reform Report: Morale Plummets at DHS, Obama Admin at Fault
...The next 12 months will be volatile as Obama's last months in office will force him to take extreme measures to keep all  avenues into the United States wide open for both legal and illegal immigration.  Weekly reports from the Federation for American Immigration Reform proves this...

BJ3: Even for us, some of this gets harder and harder to believe every day...only to remember that seven years ago we wouldn’t have believed what has already happened.

From: Sher...We're sunk and we already know Congress, Obama and SCOTUS are collaborating with one another and laughing at we-the-serfs...From: "doug walk"...(Just another problem on President Trump's plate, he's used to it)
DEVELOPING: Obama Set to Sign Deal Allowing Foreign Takeover of America's Land and Resources

From: Rob E .....Obama Administration | 3 Million Immigrant Workers
From: The Minuteman Project...They lied to us. Big surprise.

Majority of Immigrants Take Welfare Says New Study.....51% of immigrant households, legal and illegal, accessed welfare programs according to a new study. Only 30% of native American households accessed welfare.Immigrants also use food assistance programs and Medicaid at much higher rates than those born in the United States. Check out these findings and realize why we can't better look after America's seniors, veterans and our working poor.Wake up America!

Obama orders Border Patrol to let illegal immigrants drive drunk
Is the Obama Administration intentionally trying to create chaos within the immigration system? Is the chaos being deliberately instigated to coerce the population to support a new system of mass government surveillance? Socialists' controlling ideas are often welcomed in this way -- through...

From: Freedom’s Back...The ‘Fascist’ left in America    By Stephen Moore
The left intelligentsia that is accusing Trump of fascism are many of the same people in Hollywood who just made a movie celebrating the communists/fascists of the 1950s within their ranks - portraying them sympathetically as blackballed victim
From: Freedom’s Back...
Will Elites Blow Up the GOP-?   By
SPECIAL REPORT: Why holistic healers and food activists must support gun rights... or be disarmed and persecuted by a totalitarian regime    "We know from painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed." -- MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., Letter From Birmingham City Jail If you want to live in a nation where you have the freedom to choose holistic medicine, the freedom...
Here's the good news: The chaos and upheaval we see all around us have historical precedents and yet America survived. The bad news: Everything likely will get worse before it gets better again. (Story by Michael Goodwin, republished from ..
The '97% consensus' of scientists on climate change is complete bunk... fraudulent statistic repeated everywhere is based on blatant scientific FRAUD
The brain-dead leftist media isn't really in the news business anymore. It's actually in the business of zombie control... with the zombies being, of course, the leftist libtard obedient propaganda swallowers who are easily fooled by sleight-of-hand trickery being paraded...

From: Jenny...
Cows are bad for the environment, now this…I guess overall, humans are bad for the environment. Pretty soon we will be told what and how much we can eat…

From: Jenny...I think the ASPCA has a better record…
ICE Brags About Catching 0.0002% of Criminal Aliens

From: Lee S Gliddon Jr
Moral: ALWAYS ask for a hearing as this is just another unfair tax....   In Texas I had just paid a $75 red light ticket in December (Merry Christmas to me!) when, in January, I received another one. Furious, I filled out the form requesting a hearing.  Shortly thereafter, I received a notice of hearing date, and then again received another letter changing that date, and finally I received the real hearing date notice. When I appeared at the door of the bathroom size office there was just one lone officer inside working which is a small overhead for such a big racket.  Humm!  He perused my ticket noticing immediately that the time stamped on ticket for LENGTH OF YELLOW light was 3 seconds rather than the 4 second time which was apparently the legal standard..  That alone would dismiss the ticket, but as we viewed the video tape of my 'so called indiscretion' he said my front tires were already past the white line going into the intersection so he dismissed the ticket......The ticket was mailed to me from AZ (who own the cameras), I sent the hearing request to Ohio (Texas work outsourced to another state), and the hearing took place in Fort Worth, TX (because typically No One ever requests a hearing).P.S. The video was super movie quality so they are really watching and I think it is about more than the tickets which is just icing on their cake.          
Laus Deo  "Praise Be To God!"   Laura

BJ3: A winner from Laura.  Over 3 MILLION hits.
Mother cat with kittens came to old friend    Laus Deo  "Praise Be To God!" Laura

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