Tuesday, October 20, 2015


BREAKING NEWS! UNBELIEVABLE: Obama Budget Cuts Forcing Army to Borrow Equipment from Other Countries... Read the latest now on TeaParty.org
Dear Friend and Patriot,

Barack Obama is a dangerous man. He's punch drunk on power and preoccupied with his "legacy."

Like every miserable dictator before him, he has deluded himself into thinking he knows what's best for us -- and blames others for his failure to transform America into the socialist paradise of his dreams.

He truly believes he's got all the answers...

...and that he just needs the chance to prove it.

We must not let that happen. He has already gone too far! That's why I must ask you to do two things for me right now:
  1. Please send your best possible gift, right away, to help the Tea Party fight back against Obama's dictator-like power grab and restore our nation to its Constitutional roots.
When Obama signed Executive Order #13603, he gave himself the power to declare Martial Law at any time and for any reason.

Which means that at any time of his choosing between now and the 2016 elections, he can seize control of the country and remain in office indefinitely.

Think I'm exaggerating? Think it couldn't happen here?

Let me tell you. Obama has already grabbed powers that no American President has ever had.

In addition to giving himself Martial Law powers that completely bypass the U.S. Constitution -- and Congress... powers he can use to stay in office forever and impose on America the Socialist Workers' Paradise he's always dreamed of.

He also armed his Executive Branch minions with billions of rounds of ammunition, hundreds of thousands of guns -- and even armor-plated combat vehicles to patrol American streets!

He has also created SWAT teams right across the country who hide in plain sight in innocuous sounding departments like Education, Parks, and the Bureau of Engraving -- teams he can deploy to subdue us whenever he wants!

He's even built a town in Virginia -- complete down to the last streetlamp -- where these forces can practice subduing citizens -- like us! -- in typical American locations.

I am not making a word of this up. It's all absolutely true.

Obama has put all the pieces into position. He is ready to seize power -- and hang on to it -- at any minute. He will just declare a state of emergency and everything else will be put on hold -- including elections!


The answer to who watches the watchers must be -- YOU AND ME! The American People!

That's the guiding purpose behind the Tea Party. We're here to defend America from evil and incompetent government. Americans are guaranteed the rights of free men and women by our Constitution. Yet little by little, day by day, the Washington Insiders -- especially Obama and the Big Government liberals -- are stealing our liberty and enslaving us in their web of rules, taxes and constant surveillance.

And now this outrageous Martial Law scheme!

I pledge to you that I will do whatever it takes to stop all this from happening and to restore our United States of America.

But I must have your support.

Obama has finally maneuvered his pieces into place.

It's like that story about the frog in the pot. When the heat is turned up gradually, the frog doesn't notice it's boiling to death -- until it's too late.

Well, right now, Obama is turning up the heat under us a degree at a time and soon we won't be able to fight back.

Obama's declaration that he's willing to bypass the Congress and use Executive Orders to get his own way is a typical power grab from the man who despises America and wants to get rid of the Constitution.

We MUST stop this man from seizing any more power and trampling on more of our precious freedoms.

Your voice is vitally important in this fight. Please sign your CONGRESSIONAL PETITION TO END OBAMA'S TREACHEROUS AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL MARTIAL LAW POWER GRAB!This is a clarion call to action for all patriots to band together to save our nation. There is no time to lose. Obama is poised to seize absolute power and time is of the essence.

Obama's Executive Order #13603 is nine pages of legal gobbledygook. But when you dig deep you'll find that he has hijacked our country, bypassed Congress, and really stuck it to the American people.

His new powers? It's a dictator's wish list, giving him the power to run our lives and steal our liberty. He can now:

  • Set any food prices he likes, anytime
  • Give money to any person or company he likes, anytime
  • Force manufacturers of consumer products to switch to making items the government wants
  • Break existing labor contracts
  • Hike up airfares and limit travel
  • Raise gas prices at will
  • Reduce -- or eliminate -- your healthcare options
  • Reduce your pay
  • And so much more...
Let's see -- he can dictate how far we can travel...what we can eat...what we're paid...and where we can work...

...while also spying on our private communications and trying to take away our firearms...

...sounds like dictator powers to me!

If you value your freedoms as an American, please sign the CONGRESSIONAL PETITION TO END OBAMA'S TREACHEROUS AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL MARTIAL LAW POWER GRAB!There is no time to lose.

We must send an urgent message back to Washington.

We must especially reach Tea Party patriots in Congress and let them know that we need them to step up and do their duty at this perilous time.

We must take back our America. This is not North Korea or Communist China. We are freeborn Americans with a constitutionally protected RIGHT TO LIBERTY!

I want to collect your signed petitionsand many thousands more from patriots all across our nation. Then I'll deliver the results to The House of Representatives, right there in the United States Capitol Building AND Majority Senate Leader Harry Reid at the United States Senate Building, and to Barack Hussein Obama himself -- right there in the White House -- so he'll know the jig is up. I'll also share your feelings with all branches of the national news media: radio, cable, broadcast TV, newspapers and the internet -- as well as the power brokers within both parties, the Obama Administration, and key Tea Partyallies.

No President -- not even in wartime -- has gone so far. It is unprecedented, unconstitutional and illegal.

Naturally, the mainstream media -- and all of Obama's liberal media buddies -- are just ignoring his actions. They really are frogs in the boiling pot!

We at the Tea Party know we must fix this once and for all. Right now! It has never been so important that the voice of real Americans be heard. We are -- and must always be -- the guardians of liberty!


Then I must add an additional 500,000 voices to yours. Only if we can collect a huge number of PETITIONS along with yours...

...can we be sure that our elected representatives in the House of Representatives -- as well as the Senate -- understand that the country really means it and they must stop their posturing and partisan bickering and immediately pass a Joint Resolution to ensure Obama can NEVER implement Martial Law and seize power for his own ends.

And with your completed PETITION, I must ask you to include your best possible contribution to help the Tea Party build up support for this nationwide project, and collect thousands and thousands more surveys from all across America.

We will need to raise at least $45,600 within the next month. At least that much. This is an absolutely unprecedented campaign and I have no idea what obstacles we will have to overcome.

And I must raise at least $30,100 of that within the next 14 days or I will be forced to abandon this EMERGENCY NATIONAL PETITION project that is so vital if we are close down Obama's dictatorship.

So, please sit down right now and send your most generous contribution to help me and Tea Party save our America.

Please know that whatever you can afford would be a great help to this effort. If you can, please send $2,000 or $1,500, or maybe $1,000 or $500, or $250 or $100, or even $50 or $35 or $25. But please, whatever you can send, know that it will be well used in this critical plan to make the President accountable.

Please, sign the CONGRESSIONAL PETITION TO END OBAMA'S TREACHEROUS AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL MARTIAL LAW POWER GRAB and make your contribution right away. Every day of delay is one less day we have to take back America's future and play our part in its transformation. There is no time to lose.

Thank you for your support. And God Bless America.

Steve Eichler, CEO Tea Party/Teaparty.org

P.S. - Our America is under attack by a President hell-bent on seizing absolute power. And nobody seems to understand -- or care -- what he's up to! Here at the Tea Party, we're fighting back. Please sign your CONGRESSIONAL PETITION TO END OBAMA'S TREACHEROUS AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL MARTIAL LAW POWER GRAB immediately. There is no time to lose. Your input is vitally important. Thank you.

** Please forward this email to at least four of your friends and ask them to support our efforts. **

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