Friday, November 7, 2014


Jenny...Chicken learns the true nature of the Doberman Pinscher

From: Jenny...
Pandas don't want their medicine
BJ3: We’ve been saying it over and over for years...illegal immigration, in any form, is one of the top three issues everywhere, if not #1. Now we hear only 20% were for amnesty; the state senator challenger in our district (new, hardly any money) pitched illegal immigration as a main issue and would have tied with 3 more points, and, of course, this from “lefty” Oregon.
From: Dave Hollenbeck...A tough night at MSNBC Tuesday night, Republicans’ main objective is clear: Convince Oregon Measure 88 to run for president.
Measure 88 won more votes than anything else on the Oregon ballot. More votes than pot legalization. More than the incumbent governor, the incumbent senator or any of the six other ballot measures. The widely popular, landslide winning Measure 88 prohibits illegal immigrants from getting drivers licenses.    LINK

BJ: Well he almost got it right, but as usual he didn’t...again.

BJ3: Whoa, just a second there, Betsy. Am I getting a mixed message here? They swore, pledged, promised to REPEAL it...ALL of it. Why should they shoot for repealing parts of it first?  Did “WTP” vote for only some of those they needed to take the Senate? Go for it all, now and find out right away whose word is now good and whose is the usual trash.  Save “WTP” as much money and coverage as they can...NOW.  And don’t let McConnell even THINK about “fixing” it.  Or are we missing something here?                                              
From: sherzieve  
From: "Dave Hollenbeck"                                                                                                                                                     
Rx for Obamacare: Republicans must perform radical surgery by Betsy McCaughey
Excerpt...McConnell, poised to be Senate majority leader, has pledged to repeal ObamaCare “root and branch.” Yet now he’s intimating he’ll target parts of the bill Democrats also dislike, low-hanging fruit such as the medical-device tax.  Not so fast. Activists didn’t march in the streets and man phone banks merely to get rid of a medical device tax.  Sure, Republicans don’t have the 60 votes needed, under Senate rules, to fend off a filibuster. But they can certainly see if a few Democrats are willing to do more than talk about “fixing” ObamaCare.      And the GOP only needs 51 senators to pass bills pertaining to spending and taxes under the “reconciliation” procedure. Democrats used reconciliation to weasel ObamaCare through in 2010.  McConnell ought to fight fire with fire, using reconciliation to repeal the following arts of the law, and dare the president to use his veto:   LINK

BJ3: Could not have said it better.
From:  Sher Zieve From: "cam39470"
Stopping Lawless Amnesty...ought to be imprisonment for those who conspired

BJ3: All very good.  However, the republicans have shown little interest in doing what “We The People” want below. Plus,“Congress” has not signed on to any of this. In fact, even now, they are musing about maybe “fixing” such as OBCare.  Not the same as below.                    There is only ONE WAY to do all the below and everything else that “WTP” want.  And that is an en mass demand that your Republican electeds publicly demand BHO’s own, at birth, valid, rightly-certified as his “Original hawaiian Birth Certificate” DOCUMENT...the one and only one that is reportedly said to be sealed and proof of his POTUS-eligible authority to have done anything that he has done. And if it doesn’t add up, then EVERYTHING, yes everything, is “null and void” it should be.                                                               From: PPSIMMONS   From: Joda Collins.....
1.  Repeal all of Obama's illegal Executive Orders.
2.  Refuse to support or enact into policy any further Executive Orders.
3.  Remove Obama from Office.
4.  Repeal 100% of Obamacare.
5.  Secure our borders.
6.  No amnesty for illegals.
7.  No Sharia Law anywhere in America.
8.  Keep spending below income levels.
9.  Print no more stimulus money.
10.  Do not compromise with the Democrats when doing so will hurt America
Rev. Joda Collins
I make no claim that my views are shared by anyone else
From: D Johnson ...
Election Results: “What’s Going To Change Is Only Who Is Going To
Screw You — Not Whether You’ll Get Screwed” 
by Mac Slavo        
Widespread victories for the Republican Party in the 2014 mid-term elections have given many Americans hope that the country might finally have a chance for getting back on track. But are the Republicans going to be any better than the Democrats? As Karl Denninger of The Market Ticker highlights in the commentary below, with conrol of the House of Representatives they have had a chance to shutdown Obamacare for nearly two years, yet it seems that despite all the rhetoric from the right no one has been willing to actually get anything done. So what should we expect for the next two years under a lame-duck Obama Presidency?  LINK
From: Jenny...Report: Obama Administration Pressured News Outlets to Not Report Suspected Ebola Cases

BJ3: Then all he has to do now is what he didn’t do the last time as he likely has standing, but it’s the PUBLIC DEMAND that’s the match.  And that is to publicly demand BHO’s own, at birth, valid, rightly-certified, as his “Original Hawaiian Birth Certificate” DOCUMENT, the one reportedly sealed and vaulted, as 100% proof of his POTUS-eligible authority to do any of it.  Now some uninformeds might say “Well he doesn’t want to look stupid if he’s wrong.  Oh so everything that illegals bring in, take and do, better? Now who looks stupid?
From: Jenny...NC Sheriff Fears 'Another Surge' of Illegals Caused By Executive Amnesty

BJ3: Yep, but has anyone else noticed the on-camera persona “lift” he’s had? When he was on the Lou Dobbs show, pitching his cause, he would smile, interact, almost seem human. Then his “advisors” changed all that and now he always has his sullen, game-face on. I’m sure he frightens many people as he makes racist comments and then hides behind his bodyguards.
From: Mary Seales...Mestizo - needs to be deported himself.

Obama: Full speed ahead on illegal alien amnesty despite election day fiasco - National Law Enforcement | Gutierrez appears to care more about the rights of illegal aliens -- even criminal aliens -- than he does about the rights of American citizens...

From: Sher...He was white.  In Obama's mind, that made him expendable...From: John Rolls                                                   
Mother of Son Killed by Illegal: BHO is Ignoring Us! – Video  

From: Sher Zieve    From: "John Rolls"
The Defense Department Is Censoring Steve Quayle, Doug Hagmann & Dave Hodges - by Dave Hodges

From: RCroyts   From: Eagle Rising...
The Ugly Racism of Michelle Obama Knows No Bounds
The Ugly Racism of Michelle Obama Knows No Bounds
The Ugly Racism of Michelle Obama Knows No Bounds

From: Sher.....
The ObamaGov has been and still is at war with the American people...and--despite the vote--it doesn't intend to stop.     From: "cam39470" New ICE Website Advises Deported Illegal Aliens On How To Get Back Into The US…

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