Tuesday, October 28, 2014

CHUCK KOLB 10/28/2014

The Cheapest Most Efficient Prison of All - Your Own Mind !!!

Previously posted ...
Parshah Noach - Reformation Day ! What in the World Happened !?!


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Minute by minute updates here ... 


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Excellent biblical analysis desseminating events leading to the harpazo  
10-26-14 Hummingbird027's Updates on End-Time and Prophetic News (1:51:50)


Project BlueBeam !?!
8 Year old Sees a Vision of Jesus Coming Back in the Sky

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1A4k_KcDWY (6:19)

w vid Popular Muslim personality: 'Jesus Christ is among us'
New documentary sheds light on Islamic views about end times
by Leo Hohmann
Could it be that a great leader will emerge who, with the help of mysterious Islamic spirit beings, will convince the world's Christians to become Muslim? That's exactly what a popular TV personality is teaching his millions of viewers right now [...]

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Texas Pastor Issues Warning:
American Christians Will Suffer Greatly in Coming Persecution

Well-known evangelical pastor Paul Washer says persecution will come to the American church.
And soon.
He believes that in the near future the American church will be so ridiculed that anything to do with real biblical Christianity will get you in trouble with the state. Americans are already experiencing this kind of persecution as liberals, homosexuals, and New-Agers try and stomp out real Christianity.
Watch Walsh’s warning and see if you agree…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RORtTJXlpEw (3:41)

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Disturbing Anti-Christian Speech by President Obama
- SoldierForLordJesusChrist.com

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcy6OyfhQt8 (14:25)

As of 10/28/14 available on DVD and Bluray

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the
dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow,
and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12 KJV

The Cheapest Most Efficient Prison of All
- Your Own Mind !!!

Thanks - Arnie Rosner
The Cheapest Most Efficient Prison of All - Your Own Mind
by Anna von Reitz

From the cradle onward we are deliberately taught to think in ways that profit our predators. This is done by those who stand to profit from these purposefully engendered failures of logic.

For example—remember yourself as a child playing with a set of colored blocks, marbles, or similar objects. What were you taught to focus on?

You were taught to focus on and identify differences—- difference of color, size, shape, texture, material, transparency—any kind of difference at all was important and emphasized and you were required to recognize and note it.   The sameness or similarity of things was used merely as a means to identify differences. Why?

Why isn’t recognizing similarities inherently as important as recognizing differences?

Without recognizing similarities first, we wouldn’t be able to discern differences, but similarities are downplayed because similarities provide the basis for unity and peace and compassion.

Those who profit from keeping us divided and endlessly at war don’t want us to think in terms of similarities. If we did, we would see the way this learned emphasis on differences allows us to be manipulated and misled, how it teaches us to fear, how it nurtures prejudice of all kinds, and how it makes us susceptible pawns for war-mongers and demagogues.

This early emphasis on perceiving differences also leads us to think in terms of parts instead of wholes, and in terms of “us” versus “them”.

This same learned perceptual prejudice results in instinctively thinking in terms of “either/or” when we would be better served by thinking in terms of “and”.

We are taught to think in terms of endless duality: good versus bad, rich versus poor, right versus wrong, black versus white, Democrat versus Republican, Baptist versus Catholic—-all because it is easier to limit and control and manipulate us when we think this way. The slave masters set up the two goads and drive us endlessly between them, and our patterned way of thinking prevents us from breaking free. We become like “dumb, driven cattle” caught between the carrot and the stick, never questioning who is manipulating us or for what reasons.

In the same way we are taught to think in terms of groups, not individuals. The value of “teamwork” and “command structure” is drummed into us until we feel useless and paralyzed as individuals. We innocently accept such concepts as “collective guilt” or “shared pain” or “group action”—–none of which really exists.

The individual is the unit of human experience—and is also the limit and expression of all human experience.   All the pain that can ever be felt is felt only by individuals –one by one– and it is the same with guilt, happiness, or any other emotion. All actions are taken by individuals—one by one. If you stop and think beyond the outright false or half-truth assumptions you’ve been taught—- “we” are only sums of “I’s”.

The purposefully induced habit of thinking in terms of groups instead of individuals makes us susceptible to harmful, self-defeating assumptions of all kinds. This is why I meet patriots who feel paralyzed like deer in the headlights: oh, my, I don’t have a group! So what do these well-intentioned people do? They set out to create a group or to find a group—not realizing that they already belong to a magnificent and powerful group known as “State Citizens”.

What they really accomplish by this “group forming” is splintering off into thousands of worthy little specialized closet groups concerned about this or that small aspect of the whole problem, all claiming turf and fighting with and discrediting other such groups, everyone competing for donation money, and nobody getting any closer to seeing –much less addressing– the very real problems that are bearing down on us.

Hand in hand with the rest of the Group Think Tradition, we have been taught that our country is a democracy. It’s not. It’s a Republic. Democracy embraces mob rule, which means rule of the individual by the group. If the group wants your house, they can take it. If the group wants to tax you to pay their bills, they can. That is democracy.

Our American form of government is not based on groups of any kind. It is based on Individualism. It says very forthrightly that the individual is owed supremacy over the group when it comes to matters of free will, conscience, religion, and property rights. In a Republic, the mob can’t tax you to pay for their bills. They can’t take away your house or your land to serve themselves just because 51 out of a 100 group members say so.

Thinking in terms of groups instead of individuals has been taught to you on purpose and with malice-aforethought by the self-interested governmental services corporations. These government entities want you to subject yourself to the whims of the crowd, to derive your own identity from your group, to conform in every respect to the herd mentality—-because, again, this makes it easier to defraud you and control you, easier to train you as a soldier, and easier to milk you dry as a taxpayer.

Hand in hand with “Group Think” comes the learned behavior of looking for authority outside yourself –which leads us to misunderstand the nature and source of authority. All authority, like all experience, depends entirely on individuals, not groups, not hierarchies. All groups and hierarchies always derive any authority they possess secondhand, by delegation. Authority simply does not exist apart from the authority of individual people who may retain their own rulership or give it away as a proxy, recall it at will, or ignorantly deny that they have authority.

How many modern Americans stand around whining about this or that, without it ever entering their heads that they have the authority to choose otherwise? That they are in fact responsible for making other choices if they want things to change?   That they can withdraw their granted authority at will? And that they are responsible for doing so, when the “government” defaults on its contracts?

How many Americans have meekly assumed that a foreign governmental services corporation headquartered in Washington, DC, has the authority to order them to buy health insurance from the company store?

We are also falsely taught to respect authority figures whether they earn that respect or not. For example, we are taught to respect Congressmen simply because of their office, no matter how criminal, stupid, immoral, uncaring, greedy, selfish, arrogant or irresponsible they are as individuals.

We are taught to turn off our common sense when dealing with government officials of any kind, from abusive traffic cops to corrupt judges. We are taught that the normal rules of a decent society do not apply to them and that furthermore, we are not capable of applying such rules to them.

We are taught to trust these so-called “officials” with our lives and our land and our pocketbooks without question, when sound reasoning and past history should prove beyond any doubt that they deserve to come under the severest kind of discipline and scrutiny.

So who or what is teaching us to think in these irrational, destructive, self-defeating ways? The public school system and the government-owned media cartels feed us lies and fear-mongering and twisted logic on purpose. It’s called propaganda and we are immersed in it. For a period of time between 1987 and 1989 a group of us kept a nightly tally of news stories being presented on the three major evening news programs: CBS, NBC, and ABC.   What we found should shock any thinking person.

We each kept a tally sheet with three columns. One column was headed “Death”, a second column was headed “Sex” and a third column was headed “Other” to account for all other story subjects combined.

More than ninety out of a hundred stories on all three networks concerned either death or sex as the main subject, out of those over 60 percent contained elements of both sex and death.


The Spinmeisters are tweaking our thought patterns and training us to think that (1) sex and death are so very, very important, and (2) that there is a grim and terrifying world we need all sorts of protection from. The overall affect is to generate sales of consumer goods because you are going to die and you might as well get some, and secondly, to generate fear and distrust and a sense of foreboding conducive to keeping people in line and isolated and convincing them that they need more and more and more governmental services.   More surveillance.   More regulation.   More police.  The evening news is just another sales pitch for Uncle Sam.

The trusting pre-conditioned public never stops to wonder about this thoroughly predictable slant of the “news” programming.

We are not served by a media system that specializes in such “news” —we are served up.

Think about what you are thinking and feeling about yourself, about your world, and about other people around you.  Step back. Look at it as a Third Party. Ask—who or what benefits from this? Why do I feel anxious and isolated every time I watch the evening news? Why am I looking at all the differences in the world, instead of all the similarities? Why am I kept in a constant state of fear? Why should I put up with being bullied and taxed into oblivion by my own employees? Whose authority is being delegated —and abused—-to run this cesspool?

You are the one who granted all that authority in the first place. You are paying Mr. Obama and funding his mercenary armies, poised to come roust you out of your homes. You are standing there sending petitions to deaf ears in Washington. But most of all, you are imprisoned by your own mind, by your own indoctrination, to think that you are helpless, that you don’t have a voice, that your individual choices and actions don’t matter.

There are only individuals on earth. One by one, we tune out the mind fuzz, one by one we reclaim our own authority, and one by one we start taking action. We don’t need groups. We don’t need money. We don’t need authority figures telling us what to do. All we need is to wake up and look around and face the truth. And then one by one, just as surely, we will start to take action to defend our own interests.

Most of us will pull all our money out of the banks. Most of us will give notice to that THING in Washington, DC, that we are not “US citizens” of any stripe. Some will start demanding the release of plentiful quantities of United States Currency Notes for our own trade purposes. Others will plant their own Victory Gardens. Still more will expose the corruption of the courts. More will start newspaper and production companies to share the real news. All of us, one by one, will move forward by the individual lights we see and before you know it, those 515 people in Washington, DC who are responsible for this mess are going to get the Sleeping Giant’s message without the benefit of loudspeakers or public programming.

Stop worrying. Stop spinning your wheels. Stop trying to get elected. Stop trying to elect anyone else. There are no legitimate American public offices left to fill at this time, except County Sheriffs, Notaries, Grand Juries, County Judges, and County Coroners. Forget about political parties. Those are just the goads, positive and negative, there to fool you and deplete your time, money, and energy. Don’t sign petitions addressed to your runaway servants. Don’t vote in their private elections. Just vacate your prison like they vacated their public offices. Tell the Secretary of the Treasury that you were defrauded and your ESTATE was included in the bankruptcy proceedings of the United States of America, Inc. by mistake and you don’t intend that it is going to be rolled over as surety for the bankruptcy of Puerto Rico. Tell him to fork over access to your individual trust account and to re-educate the Internal Revenue Service as to its actual purpose.

One by one and letter by letter, notice by notice, point by point and day by day—keep calm and get even.
Anna von Reitz - Alaska

Great Grand Mother Anna offers some advice – Part 02 "Political Action"

Excellent ...
For A Deeper Understanding:
by Anna von Reitz

Published on Maine Republic Email Alert, on July 26, 2014
The assaults against us and our “vessels” in commerce have all taken place in the venue of international maritime law. The predators have been plundering and feasting upon the assets of The United States Trust (1789) which they are in fact obligated to protect. They’ve gotten away with this unmolested because the people and institutions we trusted to represent us and our interests were taken over long ago under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure by international banking cartels: there was nobody at the helm of our ship of state and we weren’t told this by the perpetrators who simply claimed to “represent” us and proceeded to misrepresent and abuse us and our material interests in whatever ways profited them and their interests instead. [...] Yours in Christ - anna-maria

Anna von Reitz

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257-page pdf - Illuminati Secrets e-manuscript

Copyright © 2014  IlluminatiSecrets.net - All worldwide rights reserved
Reproduction in part or in whole in any form whatsoever is strictly forbidden
This information is STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL - please read this important legal notice ...

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Thanks - Jersey LNonusurper
"The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers" by Adullam Films, written & directed by Christian J. Pinto. The full presentation is 3 hours long, and covers the beliefs of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, and John Adams. The film also gives a Biblical view of what these men believed, and how their philosophies are acknowledged in Bible prophecy. Learn more at www.adullamfilms.com

THE ANCIENTS -The Great Seal of the USA - The Masonic View

The Mysteries of our Father (R$E)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55TJ2WXikOg (11:11)
Round SaturnsEye - http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5EtLmidKchvadyrEotfENg

A short look at the time we live in and what's being revealed.
Luke 10:23-24 10:23 'And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see: For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.'

Vatican's "IHS" logo: DEEPER Occult Meaning (R$E)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9O4d3bz5G-w (14:59)

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Liberty requires Faith, Morality, the Rule of Law, Mercy, and Education and can
only be obtained and sustained through the Gospel; resulting in self-government
under the headship of Jesus Christ.
-  from an inscription upon the monument ...

Pathway to Liberty: The Forefathers Monument (13:56)
An excerpt from the Kirk Cameron movie 'Monumental',
showcasing The Forefathers Monument with Marshall Foster.

National Monument to the Forefathers
Erected by a grateful people in remembrance of their labors, sacrifices
and sufferings for the cause of civil and religious liberty.


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Georgia GuideStones Masonic Ritual ~ The 2014 granite cube and Jacob's Ladder

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dK-oBNwuDvc (23:42)

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Thanks - Ben Davidson
199,910+ community members

CHECK DAILY - Suspicious 0bservers
extensive research links in each vid description
Your mind is your weapon

Solar Flares, Volcano, Storms | S0 News October 28, 2014 (4:56)

Solar Flares, Volcano, Nova | S0 News October 27, 2014 (4:18)

Hawaii Lava

Nova Expansion/Article

Nova Paper

Nova Animation and Sequence: Nova Delphini 2013
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnIjKvOkAdA (0:50)

X-ray Chandra on Perseus/Virgo

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