Monday, August 4, 2014


Submitted by: Donald Hank

HuffPo Columnist Ryan Campbell Spews Lie After Lie In Angry Diatribe Against House Republicans Who Want To Uphold The Rule Of Law Regarding DACA And Lawbreakers From Mexico And Central America
by Dave Levine
I've never read anything Ryan Campbell has written until the below piece today at The Huffington Post, and after reading it, I'm glad I haven't. His hatred for the rule of law, for Federal Immigration law and his love for lawbreakers-who-would-be-future-Democrat-voters is quite apparent (Note to Campbell: Illegal aliens aren't "DREAMERS"--they're criminals under Federal law Title 8, Sec. 1325 of the USC. Moreover, many of them commit felonies once here including using fraudulent or stolen U.S. ID., don't pay taxes, drive illegally on our roads without insurance, work illegally here, etc.).

He lies about the number of illegals here in the U.S. which he says is "11.7". There were 20 million illegals here in 2004 (The Bear Stearns Report, Jan. 3, 2005) and there were 38 million here in 2007 (CAPS Panel Study by seven experts, October 3, 2007). There are, in fact, 40 to 50 million illegals here in the U.S. today, perhaps more. The average successful break-in rate across the 2,000-mile Border is about 2 million per year--2 million who aren't being caught entering the U.S.
Campbell wants us to give the so-called "DREAMERS"--illegals up to 35 years of age who as children were brought here by their illegal alien parents through no fault of their own--Amnesty, legalization and citizenship, never mind the fact that few of them have any interest in loyalty to America, Old Glory or to our culture. Instead, they go right onto the welfare roles on the backs of U.S. taxpayers once they arrive. Those who work take American jobs and work illegally. Those with children of their own pay little or no taxes on their income as they abuse the ACTC--the Additional Child Tax Credit system--which was set up for citizens, not illegals. Congress has yet to yank this as the left controls the Senate and The White House.
Campbell wants us to feel anger towards Republican House members who want illegal alien children, teens and adults to be deported to their countries as soon as possible. He fails to mention the diseases these persons have brought with them, infecting the poor BP agents who must handle them. Back in the Ellis Island days, these diseased persons would be boated back to their countries of origin. The idea is to PROTECT THE HOMELAND--or maybe Campbell isn't aware of the Ebola, cholera, drug-resistant TB and other deadly diseases of illegals. Reports today are that scores of West Africans are in Central America trying to break into the U.S. across our Southern Border. Maybe Campbell doesn't consider Ebola to be a threat.
The leftist Campbell further escoriates Republican Conservatives in this sentence:
This is the tone in Washington, one which is dehumanizing towards the most vulnerable population within our borders, "U.A.C.'s..."
The illegal alien children and teens--known in D.C. as "unaccompanied alien children"--is hardly a perjorative! It's a helluva lot easier to say than "unaccompanied alien children"! I prefer calling them what they truly are--ILLEGAL ALIENS or ILLEGAL ALIEN CHILDREN AND TEENS.
This bozo calls Obama's DACA Amnesty EO "immigration reform" yet being the pro-lawbreaker that he is, refuses to call it what it IS--an unconstitutional, impeachable act by a tyrant. Campbell apparently could care less about Obama trying to Amnesty millions of illegals by EO which is illegal and unconstitutional.
Campbell was remiss in not mentioning THE TRUE CHAMPION of the rule of law on Capitol Hill--Senator Jeff Sessions who has almost single-handedly stopped Amnesty from getting thru the House.
Another lie foisted by Campbell in the below piece at
puts all House Republicans in one basket, accusing them of "panicking". In point of fact, only the RINOs panicked--members like Boehner, McCarthy, Scalise et al. The Conservative members didn't "panick"--they were driving the changes to Boehner's Border bill!

The final lie perpetrated on his readers by Ryan Campbell was his position that those breaking in along the Southern Texas Border are Central American children. My Guest this Wednesday, NAFBPO President Zack Taylor, is on record on video at

stating that only 1-2% of those Central Americans breaking in thru Texas are children and teens--98% ARE ADULT Central Americans, those 18 and over. A BP agent for 26 years, I think Zack Taylor knows of what he speaks.

Ryan Campbell is a disgrace to The Huffington Post and should apologize to his readers for the many lies he made in the above piece.

The HuffPo has had some excellent writers over the years but Ryan Campbell isn't one of them.

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