Tuesday, May 13, 2014

RedState Briefing 05/13/2014

Morning Briefing
For May 13, 2014

Idols of Our Destruction
People, regardless of demographic, are into idols. We have cults of personality, standards by which we judge all comers, issues (not principles) on which we will not compromise, and the ideal of the nation itself. Not all are idols, but all can be idols.

In political seasons, we make idols of our candidates — they are flawless, pure, and indestructible. That is until they are destroyed. Look no further than South Carolina for an example of this. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

>> Today's Sponsor

Outrage over Gov't Plot to Confiscate Your Savings

FREE BOOK: Rescue Your Money from US Debt Disaster

Buffett Warns: Financial WMDs to Take Down Economy
The Great Divide
When Christy Lemire reviewed Lars Von Trier’s “Nymphomanic Vol. 1? she described it as “unexpected and so refreshing, especially given its subject matter.” Her review of “Moms’ Night Out” begins with “Depressingly regressive and borderline dangerous, “Moms’ Night Out” peddles archaic notions of gender roles in the name of wacky laughs.” . . . please click here for the rest of the post

Pat Roberts: Virginia’s Third Senator
Senator Pat Roberts sincerely wants to transform perception into reality.

After serving in Washington as a status quo, big-government Republican in some capacity for 47 years, Roberts has made a U-turn this year.  He is being challenged by Milton Wolf, a man I am proud to support, and has completely changed his voting record.  He has taken the “Hatch Effect” to a new level.  Hence, he wants to be perceived as a conservative just long enough to survive the August primary so he can continue serving another six years of pay-for-play. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

#Benghazi vs. Benghazi vs. Paul Rosenberg vs. Reality
Caution, this entire post is full of liberal projection, but the point that really sticks with me is the insistence by Paul Rosenberg that Benghazi is in no way exceptional and that Bush and Reagan both lost more people and suffered more embassy attacks. All the while, he never bothers to mention the very large difference between the attacks under Reagan and Bush  . . . please click here for the rest of the post

Russell Moore and the Radio
If people are mad at Russell Moore for a couple of sentences in a very long speech, they’re kind of proving his point. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

Will the UN Criminalize the Pro-Life Movement as “Torture”?
Last week, questioners on United Nations Committee Against Torture called pro-life speech “torture.”

This move is part of a broader push by the radical abortion lobby to essentially criminalize the pro-life movement. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

Pennsylvania Union Bosses Not Registered to Lobby
Leaders of Pennsylvania’s public employee unions regularly lobby state legislative leaders in person, via e-mail, and by phone, despite the fact none of them are registered to do so as required by the state’s lobbying law. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

>> Today's Sponsor

Experts Warn: Bush & Obama Doomed the US Dollar
Sincerely yours,

Erick Erickson
Editor-in-Chief, RedState

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