Sunday, May 18, 2014


It Took 30 Years, But Homosexuality is America’s New Traditional Values: Part III The Gay Movement’s Marxist/Fascist Tactics: Imagery: Making Gay the New Black

by lisarichardsrocknrollpolitics
Over the last week I've been writing a series on the Gay Movement’s radical agenda to overhaul America. The retraining of heterosexual America began in 1987 with the essay “The Overhauling of Straight America,” the forerunner to the Gay Manifesto, a book titled After The Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s, written by Harvard trained gay activists and psychologists and media experts Marshal E. Kirk and Hunter Madsen.

None of us realized how successfully homosexuals were redecorating of our minds over the last 30 years, nor did we pay attention to the Gay Movement's progression over the last 20 years. We've been watching without bothering to investigate and our thinking has been retrained.
Homosexuals created a new image for themselves, one that appears lovable, fun, and akin to heterosexuals. Really? Homosexuals are attracted to the same gender, heteros are not. It's not equal!
Along with image,  gay has become the new black: This image overhaul demands Gay Civil Rights, equal treatment: Those poor gays are forbidden to see their sick and hospitalized “partners!” These victimized people have no rights to inherit their lover’s will.
Actually, you can bequeath your entire estate to a dog if you want and your family can’t do anything to stop you. As to seeing a sick loved one: Attorneys have always been able to legally fix that dilemma for anyone—if you hire them.
Why bother when homosexuals are in the business of making themselves the victims of mistreatment: Even dogs receive better treatment than the victimized and closeted of our society controlled by hateful Christians!
Homosexuals dealt with us Christians by dividing conservative Christians against ourselves so the Gay Movement can portray us as “hysterical backwoods preachers, drooling with hate to a degree that looks both comical and deranged.”
How many of your friends have come to accept and tolerate homosexuality as normal? If you disagree, do they call you bigoted or intolerant? Would they have done that 20, 30 years-ago? Propaganda works well to retain thinking and actions.
We traditionalists have a terrible habit of becoming hysterical about reading anything not traditional. Yet, we're preoccupied to obsession with Soap Operas, where gays came out in the 1990s and Soap addicts don't care as long as the Soap sex is better than their lousy marriages.
I have news for you: If you don’t read the Koran (the Koran Muslims read is the Arabic one—not the watered-down English version sold in American book stores), Sharia Law, the Hadith, you will never know the horrors Islam and Muslims have planned for the West, the United States, Christians and Jews—complete annihilation and conquer of the world.
That annihilation includes you gays Muslims are torturing to death all over the Middle East.
If we had taken the time to read what the architects of immoral corruption planed for us, we could have combated the opposition.
The Gay Movement knew we would never read After The Ball and they were glad, because it exposes their Marxist tactics. Their agenda was imagery: TV and movie screens.
After The Ball taught homosexuals how to assert themselves in ways that made them appear victimized:
The purpose of victim imagery is to make straights feel very uncomfortable; that is, to jam with shame the self-righteous pride that would ordinarily accompany and reward their antigay belligerence, and to lay groundwork for the process of conversion by helping straights identify with gays and sympathize with their underdog status.
Also: "portray gays as victims of circumstance and depression, not as aggressive challengers.” Isn’t this the image we see on TV?
TV in the 1990s gave us “Ellen,” who used her show to “come out,” and “Will and Grace.” The millennium has given us "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy," “Degrassi,” “Grey’s Anatomy,” “Pretty Little Liars,” “Glee,” “The L Word,” “Modern Family,” "Happily Divorced," "Fashion Queens," "Fashion Police,"  HGTV has homosexual hosts and gay men buying homes together on "House Hunters," not to mention every TV show now has a homosexual character.
TV talk shows like Oprah, Ellen, Dr. Phil, and now TV news anchors--Anderson Cooper and Sam Champion who both came out--have “taught” us to believe people are born gay or straight and it’s “natural,” for some people to be attracted to the same sex, and being openly gay is a civil right!
If anything can be a civil right, I want civil rights to making Bergdorfs my personal closet!
Movies promote gayness:  X-Men and its underlying gay propaganda: Superheroes struggling to come out with their closeted super powers. It’s not coincidental. The movie’s writers planned the underlying homosexual theme: Screenwriters Dan Harris and Michael Dougherty call the X-Men “mutancy” the hidden homosexual struggle to be accepted in an intolerant society:
[I]t’s [X-Men’s mutancy] become more a metaphor for sexual identity and orientation because it’s more appropriate to look at a person and have to say, ‘Are you a mutant?’…. you can’t always look at a person and know that they’re a mutant just like you can’t look at a person and know that they’re gay
And the movie's star is gay actor Ian McKellen, co-founder of the LGBT gay activist movement.
Writer Walter Claw points out: “The film is a race/queer parable at its heart, preaching a message of acceptance with super-powered genetic freaks subbing for various minority groups.” That right there—minority groups— pushes for making gay the new Civil Rights.
Everything on TV, on movie screens, decorating magazines, fashion magazines, gardening cooking and magazines are over the top gay.
TV is the weapon Kirk and Madsen used: Openly homosexual men and women flaunting their sexuality the shove in our faces.
Making us believe people are born gay is another media tactic:
We argue that, for all practical purposes, gays should be considered to have been born gay–even though sexual orientation, for most humans, seems to be the product of a complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence…To suggest in public that homosexuality might be chosen is to open the can of worms labeled ‘moral choices and sin’ and give the religious intransigents a stick to beat us with. Straights must be taught that it is as natural for some persons to be homosexual as it is for others to be heterosexual: wickedness and seduction have nothing to do with it.
Kirk and Madsen demand:
Our campaign should not demand direct support for homosexual practices, it should instead take anti-discrimination as its theme. The right to free speech, freedom of beliefs, freedom of association, due process and equal protection of laws-these should be the concerns brought to mind by our campaign.
Gay is the new plantation!
Memo to Homosexuals: Cape Cod, Massachusetts has had homosexuals living there for 100 years and no one in New England has ever cared, so long as the citizens of Province Town aren’t murdering each other.
Making gay the new black equates homosexuality with slavery. How have homosexuals been enslaved by hetero America? Did we heteros force gays into secrecy? No, creation has morals that says sex belongs in the bedroom and not flaunted in parades, brothels, Vegas, or anywhere publicly!
The forcing is done by  homosexuals using cultural Marxist fascist tactics against heterosexuals to make us go along with everything “Gay.”
The Gay Movement has retrained our thinking and life-styles, it's rewriting God in order to abolish God and the Bible and usher in Sodom and Gomorrah, which, by-the-way is the new normal in America.
If humans are born homosexual, why didn’t God give Adam and Eve sexual choices? Why didn’t God create a man out of Adam’s rib instead of Eve? Why does God condemn homosexuality throughout the entire Bible as unnatural, sexually immoral, an abomination and a sin?
If God didn’t want heterosexuality, why did He create us heterosexual?
The same rules apply to adultery and out-of-wed-lock sex, abortion, prostitution, pedophilia (which is now considered a sexual life-style and orientation), pornography, domestic violence and all Ten Commandments.
Homosexuals demand everyone accept and tolerate their life-style but prevent the rest of us from expressing our personal opinions about homosexuality and so-called marriage equality rights without condemnation and threats: If you donate money to support traditional marriage, you will lose your job. If you make gay jokes, the Gay Fascists will destroy your life.
Kirk and Madsen threw the wool right over our eyes and blinded us with their desensitization group-think that is no different than what the KGB did to Soviet Society: Turn people into slaves to politically correct group-think and making people tattle on each other if they dare speak out against the Kremlin.
The Gay Movement is no different than Hitler’s propaganda that created a group-think mind-set that brainwashed millions into believing Jews were vile monsters controlling Germany's money and banks in order to starve non-Jewish Germans. Germans became desensitized by Hitter’s propaganda; Germans believed Jews had to be executed if Germans were to survive: Six million Jews were gassed, shot, and used as medical experiments in order to get rid of Jews in Europe.
And God was completely removed from the equation in order for Hitler to accomplish his goals.
It's time we heterosexuals stop acting like wimps and pull the wig off the Gay Movement and expose the vicious lies it's using to destroy America and Christianity or we heterosexuals will continue having our voices silenced and our jobs and lives destroyed so gays can have it all.

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