Saturday, May 31, 2014


Dear Conservatives,

Barack Obama’s presidency began by promising to:

“Use only one test when deciding what ideas to support with your precious tax dollars: It's not whether an idea is liberal or conservative, but whether it works.”

Yet even programs that have been proven to be useless continue to be funded.

Just look at the so-called Head Start program, which costs taxpayers more than eight billion dollars each year.

In 1985, the Department of Health and Human Services looked at all the studies done since the program’s creation in 1965.

They found that “test scores of former Head Start students do not remain superior to those of disadvantaged children who did not attend Head Start.”

But the money kept flowing.

In 2000, the Government Accountability Office admitted they didn't have any “conclusive evidence on whether children having school readiness skills stemmed from being in Head Start.”

But the money kept flowing.

In 2010, another HHS study gave first-graders over a hundred different tests, and not one of them showed the Head Start students doing better.

But the money kept flowing.

And at the end of 2012, HHS released a final study that found Head Start had “very few impacts” in any category by the end of 3rd grade, and that the “few impacts that were found did not show a clear pattern of favorable or unfavorable impacts for children.”

But -- you guessed it -- the money still kept flowing.

And not only does it continue to flow, but President Obama is now calling for a dramatic expansion of Head Start and the money we pour into it.

Tax-and-spend politicians have known for decades they were squandering our tax dollars on an utterly worthless boondoggle, but chose to keep the racket going anyway.

They couldn't care less how big the tax burden they saddle you with gets -- or why.

Their spending addiction and desire to buy votes trump all.


Gary Paumen, President
National League of Taxpayers

P.S. Barack Obama, Harry Reid and their big-government allies are doing everything they can to spend our nation into oblivion.

To fight back, your National League of Taxpayers relies completely on the support of concerned Americans like you.

And even $5 or $10 can go a long way.

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