Friday, April 18, 2014


Thoreau’s Walden: Phony Testament of the Greens
Henry David Thoreau was one of the most successful literary scam artists in American history. Walden was a masterpiece of fraud. This book has been inflicted on helpless English majors ever since the 1930′s. It is anti-capitalist and pro-green. It has been the supreme literary testament of the greens. It was fake from day one. […] READ MORE

Austrian Business Cycle Theory Surprisingly Useful Even Among Its Critics
The theory of business cycles advanced by Ludwig von Mises (and refined by Friedrich Hayek, who won the Nobel partially for this work) explains the typical recession as the inevitable result from a preceding, and unsustainable, boom period. The cause of the boom is artificially low interest rates, which in turn are caused by the […] READ MORE

Seattle Firefighters Avoid Felony Charges In Assault Of Homeless Man
Violent attacks on homeless people by tax-siphoning State agents have seemingly increased in recent times. Perhaps law enforcement has always lashed out against the less fortunate who are unable to protect themselves and the growth of Internet media has assisted by shining a spotlight to expose these incidents. Regardless of the reason why, incidents that […] READ MORE

Eric Holder Could Lose His Salary For Being Held In Contempt Of Congress Under This New Bill
Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Texas) has introduced a bill called the “Contempt Act,” which would prevent current and future federal employees from collecting their taxpayer-funded salaries as long as they’re being held in contempt of Congress. The bill, which has no chance of becoming law in a divided Congress, currently would apply to one man — […] READ MORE

Why Is The IRS Scared To Give Up The Rest of Lois Lerner’s Emails?
Key members of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform expressed outrage at revelations made in newly released emails showing ex-IRS official Lois Lerner coordinating with the Department of Justice on prosecuting nonprofit groups. One committee member said the emails prove why the IRS is “scared to give up the rest of Lois Lerner’s […] READ MORE

The Constitution…Be Careful What You Wish For
I’ve discussed before the trouble with relying on the Constitution when making arguments for this or that policy, particularly among libertarians. There is a great irony in seeing those that deride “statism” stand side-by-side with a document that created one of the largest, most overreaching states in the history of the world. Before the Constitution, […] READ MORE

Showdown in Nevada
Let’s begin with a map. Here are some explanations. The United States government has direct ownership of almost 650 million acres of land (2.63 million square kilometers) — nearly 30% of its total territory. These federal lands are used as military bases or testing grounds, nature parks and reserves and Indian reservations, or are leased […] READ MORE

Times Change Of Course, But How Is It Possible These Kids Don’t Recognize A Walkman?
Oh, is that a phone? That’s one 9-year-old’s response when asked to identify a Sony Walkman in a viral video capturing baffled kids’ reactions to a 1980s portable cassette player. In a YouTube clip that’s topped 3 million views in two days, L.A. filmmakers Benny and Rafi Fine show kids and teens aged 6 to […] READ MORE

How Loud Does Money Talk? Proposed Time Warner and Comcast Merger Could Show
A study recently released by Frontiers of Freedom suggests that in the Obama administration, money talks. The paper insists that crony capitalism is behind many of the Justice Department’s decisions when it comes to approving or rejecting mergers, and that “friends” of the Administration stand to gain enormous financial “gifts” in return for their generosity. […] READ MORE

What Appeal Could Nashville Possibly Have Over Chicago? Plenty For This Author.
Best-selling author Brad Thor and his family are fleeing the progressive city of Chicago for Nashville. The reasons behind the move are pretty self-explanatory. Thor cited the high taxes and violent crime in Chicago as the main reasons for his departure, Twitchy first noted. To make his point, Thor linked to an article that states […] READ MORE

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