Saturday, January 25, 2014

NEWS WITH VIEWS 01/24/2014

January 25, 2013
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Federal Agencies Target “Right” Groups Again
Your Silence is Your Consent: Therefore, the voice of opposition must be silenced. The political LEFT is highly organized and mobilized. They start derailing an election years in advance by cutting off financial and public support for the opposition, simply silencing the message.......
by JB Williams
The Coming Battle
Click on the banner and order this historic masterpiece
Government Corruption Robs the People of Personal Rights and Constitutional Liberties
The U.S. Code - consisting of many thousands of arbitrary statutory laws - is an enemy of the people. These statutes are not laws they are mandates that are specifically adaptive to entrapment and control. One cannot get through a day without violating one or more of these so-called laws; they are all inclusive, intrusive, and invasive to every segment of day to day existence. They comprise a virtual web of controlling measures that enables containment of personal freedoms, and they were specifically drafted to......
by Sheriff Jim Schwiesow

Our devalued currency and war against the dollar Our devalued currency and war against the dollar. Protect your assets with the only real money - gold. Call Harvey Gordin at USA Gold Vault today - 602-228-8203.
The Global Warming PSYOP, Part 2
For many years most of the people in world saw America as a beacon of freedom and liberty. Let’s prove to them that America is still the land of the free and the home of the brave. It its time to tell the Rockefellers, Obama, the Bushes, the Clintons, the traitors in Congress, the disinformers in the mainstream media, and the rest of the New World Order conspirators that we don’t like their plans.......
by Servando Gonzalez
Propaganda and the Conspiracy Against Our Constitution
To curb the federal government, We must do things we have neglected for over 100 years: Reclaim our role as “the natural guardians of the Constitution”; earn our Founding Principles & Documents; enforce them with nullification and by rejecting candidates who don’t know them by heart; stop relying on politicians to handle things; reclaim personal responsibility; and get ready for a rocky road ahead. .......
by Publius Huldah

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