Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Dear Fellow American,
What do you call a career politician who votes to fund Obamacare, votes time and again for bailouts, votes for unconditional amnesty, and threatens to "punch" conservative Republicans "in the nose"?
The answer: Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell.
My name is Matt Bevin and, like you, I'm absolutely appalled by Mitch McConnell's 30-year record of waste, capitulation, and cronyism. That's why I'm running to replace him.
The people of Kentucky - and the people of the Untied States - deserve better than Mitch McConnell, the Senator who:

  • Has backed away from his promise to "repeal Obamacare root and branch"
  • Bullied and intimidated members of his own party for trying to defund Obamacare
  • Voted to grant unconditional amnesty to illegal immigrants three different times
  • Voted for a federal ban on so-called "assault weapons"
  • Has voted repeatedly to raise the debt ceiling by trillions of dollars over the course of his career
  • Called the $700 billion Wall Street bailout "one of the finest moments in the history of the Senate."
We deserve better.
If you agree, then I need your help right now. We can't afford for a single conservative to sit on the sidelines in this fight.
The Kentucky primary is May 20th, which means I have just over four months to pull ahead in the polls...and to get our conservative message out to Kentucky Republicans.
And with your help, that's exactly what I'm going to do.
Mitch McConnell's approval rating is in a free-fall. He's fighting to stay above 30 percent in a state Mitt Romney carried by over 60 percent only a year ago.
This should be a slam-dunk for a conservative Republican.
But that's the problem - Mitch McConnell isn't a conservative Republican, and Kentuckians know it.
They know - and the American people know - that Mitch McConnell is far more loyal to his friends on K Street and Wall Street than he is to his constituents on Main Street.
They know that Mitch McConnell can only be counted on to stand up for his principles when it's politically advantageous for him to do so.
They know that the only way to elect a dependably conservative Senator to this seat, is to send Mitch McConnell packing.
And, with your help today, that's exactly what we're going to do.
This fight is not going to be easy. Mitch McConnell is sitting on piles and piles of campaign cash, has a deeply entrenched "Old Boys Network" of supporters, and is a notoriously ruthless campaigner.
He is pulling out all the stops to hold onto his seat and continue his career of waste, capitulation, and cronyism.
We must be prepared to fight through his assault on freedom. We need to pay for the grassroots operation, the TV ads, the mail, the online communication, and the press events that will neutralize Senator McConnell's vicious attacks and carry our campaign to victory.
Please, my friend, make your investment today in the future of the conservative movement.
Thank you for your support, and may God continue to bless America!
Let Freedom Ring,
Matt Bevin

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