Sunday, January 12, 2014


Submitted by: Donald Hank

  1. Former Hillary Associate Claims to Have Been Her Personal Hit Man ...

    Oct 11, 2013 - Like many Americans I have been glued to the Pete Santilli show today ... Clinton Insider Admits To Murder For Hire Claiming He Did It For The Money... that he had murdered people, on command, for Bill and Hillary Clinton.


  1. Comment of Donald Hank: I'll pass on to ALL, your MUST READ email below about how many 'dead friends' of 'Billary' there are and their sex scandals shows that our 'leaders' are the worst sort of criminals, all coming like cockroaches, out of the woodwork. One BIG thing I learned from your article Victoria is the idea about 'John John' Kennedy's plane crash into the ocean. I never put the pieces together on that one but it sure does make sense. Wow!

    Why is the below story not plastered on the nightly news? Here's a guy who has ADMITTED that he was a hired assassin for them and not a word about him BUT, a bridge lane closure is BIG NEWS.

  2. Comment of Victoria: Comment by Victoria …she is a full blooded lesbian. I have a book from a woman that was held against her will by CIA and she was raped by Hillary and Bill watched.
