Friday, December 6, 2013

RedState Briefing 12/06/2013

Morning Briefing
For December 6, 2013

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1.  Is the President Smoking Weed Again?
The President is either high or ignorant, though perhaps we should embrace the healing power of “and.” He posits that if the nation raises the minimum wage, there will be an economic boom.

Only in leftwing fantasy land and Das Kapital does such a concept even come close to being credible. What’s worse, via his twitter account his minion tweeted out an info graphic making the case. One can only assume this is why he does not want poor children in Louisiana to get a better education. If they did, they’d quickly realize the President is full of . . . choom maybe?

In the land of unicorn farts that powers the Obama Administration — that magical land where the bad thoughts of Republicans can obstruct Obamacare — diverting capital to mandated wage increases can cause an economic boom. But in reality, it does not work that way.

At the same time the President is pushing this, he is also speechifying against inequality. The media has gone gaga over his speech, but here too the President has shown a deep ignorance. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

2.  Obama Offers The GOP Distractions
The Democrat party is in disarray. It is led by a pathological liar who has no credibility with the nation or with anyone but the most mindless partisans in the media and Congress. As Obamacare continues to be a veritable Pandora’s Box of evils seemingly designed to drive insurance companies out of the business and strip most Americans of their health insurance, vulnerable Democrat officials are looking for ways to distance themselves from both the man and his plan. Louisiana Senatory Mary Landrieu found an urgent engagement elsewhere when Obama showed up to give a speech in New Orleans. Arkansas Senator Mark Pryor has been reduced to blaming Jesus for his Obamacare vote.

In face of this the Democrats have returned to their old standby: misrepresentation and diversion.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post

3.  Beware the menace of unity
The House Judiciary Committee held hearings on Barack Obama’s abuse of power this week, leading to a good deal of dismissive commentary and general neglect from the media, because apparently it’s not even worth talking about the proper checks and balances of government power if you’re not ready to impeach the President as the grand finale.  It’s too bad more attention was not paid to the hearings, because there was much powerful criticism of the imperial presidency, not all of it from conservative Republicans.  Law professor Jonathan Turley of George Washington University warned that Obama has “become the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid.”  That’s pretty heavy talk. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

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Sincerely yours,

Erick Erickson
Editor-in-Chief, RedState

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