Thursday, December 19, 2013


Submitted by: Nancy Battle

Posted: 18 Dec 2013 12:47 PM PST
Aaron Cantor USAF ret)
I don’t know if I should laugh, cry or puke my guts out.
It appears that another Hawaii vacation for the Christmas Holidays to the tune of $4 Million dollars is in the offing for the Obama family (on our dime of course).
Are you forgetting about the upcoming cuts in military retirement accounts you slug?
Of course you are, because you being the biggest Narcissist in the universe could give a damn less about anyone but yourself.
The main stream media (loyal Obama acolytes all) are trying their damndest to make poor Barry out to be a victim of prejudice, with their oh boo hoo hoo he is working so hard to make things better for everybody, and bring prosperity to all, but the mean old Republicans are getting in the way of all of his utopian plans.

Boehner and company may cave rather than be labeled a racist by the liberals, democrats, Sharpton and Jackson and the rest of their ilk, however, I, on the other hand, am not afraid of that label.
You maggots can call me anything you like since I have already been called everything in the book in my lifetime, but I will tell you the only victims in this country are the indolent bums who want something for nothing, and who produce nothing but just take, take, and take, because Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the Democrats have convinced them the world owes them everything because they are minorities.
If you folks are too slow witted to see it, you are their voting base and you are being used, because they are practicing the Mao principle which goes like this; “The masses will always follow whoever fills their rice bowl the fullest”.
In other words they will take from me to give to you in the form of free stuff so you can sit on your butt and do nothing.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness implies the opportunity you idiots, happiness is yours if you can catch it.
The country does not owe you a damned thing because of your ethnicity, the only thing you get for being an American citizen is the opportunity to work and earn your keep and your happiness, and the sooner you wake up to that fact, the sooner you will find yourself on the road to it, and along with that comes the pride of accomplishment, but if you listen to Barry and the rest of the race baiters, ‘You didn’t build that , somebody else did it for you”, and by buying into that, you will remain a victim.
How long do you suppose it will be, before those who work and produce will get tired of supporting you lazy non-producers at which time they will throw you out into the street, feed you some tar and feathers, or perhaps something worse?
In the not too distant future, by the grace of G-d, we will be rid of this wretched liberal government, and the country will once again come to its’ senses and elect a conservative and honest government and the gravy train for you people will stop dead in its tracks, and then it will be no work, no eat.
As far as a new government is concerned, that is not to imply that we will blindly trust them either, after what we have just been subjected to.


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