Monday, October 14, 2013



America, you are being LIED TO yet again, by our government, by the mainstream media, and by the companies/corporations (including, of course, the large banks and The Federal Reserve) out there that stand to profit (continue to profit) if (when?) the debt ceiling is again raised. You see, they claim that taking on yet more debt is the only way for America to avoid defaulting on our current national debt (does this make sense to anybody other than the government?) and is the only way we can continue to have a government at all. This is provably incorrect…an intentional LIE…and is being perpetuated by those that stand to gain as long as we continue to borrow.

The United States Treasury takes in 10 times the amount in taxes each month that is necessary to make the interest/principle payments on the national debt. Read that again…10 times the amount necessary…until you truly understand it. If this is so, why would we ever take on more debt to make these payments?

 To find the answer, just “follow the money” as it is currently spent. You see, our government spends far more each month on other goods and services, than it takes in, in tax receipts. It spends money on things like bribing the states into bending to its will with regards to education (Common Core, anyone?) with regards to road construction (speed limits and other requirements for federal funds) and with regards to farming (farming subsidies)…the list is lengthy and horrifically wasteful.

In truth, this is nothing more than THEFT. It is THEFT of YOUR production capacity, THEFT of your ability to spend, and THEFT of the value of the money you have saved over your working lifetime. 

Every time The Federal Reserve prints more money (they do that to the tune of $85 billion each month, at present) all existing money is devalued. Every time the government borrows more money into existence, to spend on its little pet projects and bribes, the value of our money goes down. 

The middle class in America is being systematically ROBBED to the point of destruction, and our children and grandchildren are being enslaved to this debt, in order to enrich those few elites at the top of the financial food chain.

Karl Denninger explains the THEFT very well, in his Thought For The Day, posted earlier today. He illustrates the THEFT in plain English and simple terms that everybody can understand. Until enough of us do understand what is happening, and work to end it, the THEFT will continue, to the misery and destruction of us all.

1 comment:

  1. Donald Hank comments: It doesn't matter if you're a Dem, a Republican, a Libertarian or what, we can all smell the stench of this government and we all know the political class and their pals in banking are thieves. The more people who realize it, the freer we all become.
    Don Hank
