Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
Our Liberty Counsel Action associate on Capitol Hill has just learned of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s next ploy to try to slap down House Republicans in the congressional showdown over ObamaCare. 
ObamaCare is proving itself to be a complete national disaster day by day, yet President Obama, Harry Reid, and the “affordable care” sycophants are more willing to destroy the fiscal and physical health of our nation than to consider even a single modification to their “crowning legislative achievement.” 
My message below contains an urgent update to the congressional stalemate – Mat.
Liberty Counsel Action’s Director of Public Policy, Mark Trammel, attended a meeting this morning with the Senate Steering Committee and learned from the Whip’s office that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s next tactic could lead to a Debt Ceiling increase bill passing the Senate as early as this Saturday! 
We are reliably told that Harry Reid will introduce a bill to raise the Debt Ceiling in the Senate, in advance of any further senatorial votes on the Continuing Resolution (CR) or the delay of ObamaCare. 
This move would allow the Senate to look as though they are moving forward on fiscal matters without taking up the CR, ObamaCare, or being forced to negotiate with their House counterparts! 
In this scenario, Harry Reid will yet again demonize his opponents while recklessly advancing the Obama/Reid agenda of higher spending, higher taxes, and keeping ObamaCare intact. 
++The shutdown has now merged with the debt ceiling increase – but the real issue is still ObamaCare!
As I said yesterday, this is all a distraction to keep Americans from focusing on the most dangerous issue, which is the implementation of ObamaCare.
President Obama and Harry Reid will do anything in their power to ensure that nothing stands in the way of ObamaCare. They prefer a government shutdown and even a credit default over any compromise on ObamaCare. 
They want Americans to feel the pain of the shutdown by purposefully inconveniencing us with maneuvers like closing high profile government resources. 
The House has sent the Senate compromise measures while Harry Reid and company have refused all of them.  Zero votes have been taken on any compromise measure in the United States Senate
Meanwhile, American citizens have become Barack Obama’s political pawns yet again.
  This could be the most critical week in the entire ObamaCare/government shutdown showdown. I'm asking every friend of Liberty Counsel Action to take make their voice heard now! 
Today, we must encourage our representatives to Stay the Course!  If they fund it, they own it
In this trying hour, we must all do our part in keeping the heat on our elected officials.  Even if you have done so before, everything you need to fax Congress with the message to Delay, Defund, and Defeat ObamaCare is one click away: 
++ObamaCare’s problems are so widespread that Team Obama is keeping the abysmal results of the horrendous launch shrouded in secrecy. 
Since the opening of the ObamaCare exchanges eight days ago, there are ongoing reports of widespread outages and “glitches” in the system. 
Because of the widespread failure of these sign-up systems, there has been very little information released on the enrollment statistics of Obamacare. White House Spokesman Jay Carney said that information will only be released monthly. 
One report says that as few as 325 people in the entire state of Maryland, one of the more supportive ObamaCare states, have actually signed up. Another report indicated that potential participants were being told, “No participating doctors are found” in the state of Maryland.
And, in one of the most alarming facts of all, a plurality of citizens who actually get information from the various sign-up websites are reporting “sticker shock” – as much as triple the cost for the level of health care coverage through ObamaCare that they already had or could have gotten! 
Yet Barack Obama and Harry Reid will not even consider giving you and me at the very least the same one year DELAY in implementation of the individual mandate that they have already given to businesses for the employer mandate! 
++Barack Obama is disrespecting the American people!
This is literally a slap-down of America’s citizens. This is, finally, the cold, hard reality of ObamaCare. This is why pulling the plug on ObamaCare is critical for the health of our nation!  
Let’s keep up the pressure!  Please, go here to help end Barack Obama’s healthcare law by telling your Nevada senators and representatives to Delay, Defund, and Defeat ObamaCare:  
God bless you for taking an active part in this ongoing fight to end the plague of ObamaCare! 
Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action 
P.S. Harry Reid has plotted his next scheme to ensure that the Left’s beloved ObamaCare avoids even minor adjustments from the American people. We must do everything we can to stop the political maneuvering, gamesmanship, and callous dismissal of the will of America’s citizens
It is no exaggeration to say that the very survival of our nation is at stake in this battle over who we are as a people.
Liberty Counsel Action will not give up on having the tax-laden, abortion-enhancing, fiscally disastrous ObamaCare law stricken from the laws of our land!
Even if you have done so before – even many times before – everything you need to fax Congress with the message to Delay, Defund, and Defeat ObamaCare is one click away: 
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