Sunday, September 15, 2013


Submitted by: Donald Hank

RINO Warmongering On Syria And Boehner's Refusal To Defund Obamacare May Spell The Death Knell For Amnesty (by Dave Levine)

Syria Warmongering By RINOs And Boehner 's Refusal To Defund Obamacare May Spell Death Knell For Amnesty
by Dave Levine
It is possible that the flap over RINOs like McCain, Graham, Boehner and Cantor's support for an unconstitutional war with Syria and Boehner's refusal to get behing Conservative House member's push to defund Obamacare will serve to kill the Cantor-Goodlatte Amnesty bill yet to be filed.

In this political fight, Amnesty (which would give Obama his one, big "win" since Obamacare passed under a Democrat-run House) is out of the news and is probably kaput.
While some are saying Amnesty will rear it's ugly head in 2015, that is doubtful as RINOs will probably lose BIG-time in the 2014 Midterm Election because, in part, of their passing Amnesty in the Senate and pushing it in the House but also due to RINO support for Syrian jihadists.
The anger level is very high right now against RINO traitors like McCain, Graham and Boehner who support al Qaeda-backed terrorists known as "Syrian rebels" who are nothing more than bloodthirsty jihadists. McCain and other RINOs have "crossed the line" by backing such an insane move as arming these terrorists and Boehner (who could stop funding the CIA with arms-for-terrorists) has done nothing to stop it. And it's not just Conservatives who are mad at these RINOs but some of their longtime supporters as well.
Incidentally, NumbersUSA had nothing to do with Amnesty's apparent demise this time (They stopped Amnesty in 2006 and 2007). Instead, it was RINO warmongering (backing Obama and Kerry) and RINOs refusing to defund the hated Obamacare that has already cost many American jobs and is about to make healthcare for many Americans unaffordable.
Am I worried about Amnesty coming back? Not at this point and not next year, an important election year for Congressmen.
Will fools like libertarian Rand Paul and RINOs like McCain and Rubio continue pushing Amnesty? You can count on it! But these efforts will fall on deaf ears. Rubio's finished and so too is Rand Paul. Even Senator Cruz is in trouble for pushing for legalization of illegal aliens (As we've reported here, both Cruz and Rubio are ineligible for POTUS so what they say doesn't carry much weight). McCain has been so shamed that he is talking of retiring. And pro-Amnesty Gov. Christie has problems at home and seems unlikely to be the nominee in 2016, leaving the path open for the monied Jeb Bush.
The People have spoken, albeit quietly--"Keep pushing Amnesty and you'll be out on your kiester next year!"
God bless the People!

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