Thursday, September 5, 2013

NEWS WITH VIEWS 09/;05/2013

Fukushima: Radioactive Effluent Circulating Into all Oceans
Twenty-nine months after Fukushima’s nuclear power plants exploded and started leaking millions of gallons of radioactive toxic waste into the Pacific Ocean, the contaminated liquid circulated (s) into all of the oceans of the world. Fact: that radioactive waste enters into every living creature in the Earth’s oceans and contaminates their flesh. If you eat salmon, tuna, shrimp and other marine creatures in 2013, you cannot help but absorb to some degree, the radioactive contamination of Fukushima.......
by Frosty Wooldridge

Tear Down Those Walls
During the election of 2008 I became familiar with a “black” minister in Harlem who was going against the flow in his own community. He was warning black Americans that Obama was a fraud. Pastor James David Manning was preaching Jesus as savior…not Obama as savior…from his pulpit in the heart of black America Harlem, NY. He continues to promote loyalty to.........
by Coach Dave Daubenmire

Our devalued currency and war against the dollar Our devalued currency and war against the dollar. Protect your assets with the only real money - gold. Call Harvey Gordin at USA Gold Vault today - 602-228-8203.
A Lesson in Futility
Why is the mainstream pro-family movement so completely ineffective in the culture war? That it is ineffective, there can be no doubt. Just look at what’s been happening to our culture. As a perfect illustration of futility, see the column by Rebecca Hagelin from the Aug. 28 edition of, “Culture Challenge of the Week: Public School Culture.” For utter cluelessness, and as a fool-proof recipe for ineffectuality, this one beats ‘em all.
by Lee Duigon

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