Thursday, August 29, 2013


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 Donald Hank Writes:
While still not confirmed 100%, this news seems to originate in the Les Observateurs web site, which claims to have found it in Arabic at another site and translated it (could this be the real reason Obama hesitates?):
Quote (my translation):
The Egyptian press announced yesterday General Al-Sisi's intention to block passage to American war ships engaged in an operation headed for Syria, a country with which Egypt had formed a single republic in 1958-1961.
La presse égyptienne a annoncé hier l'intention du général Al-Sissi de bloquer désormais le passage aux navires de guerre américains engagés dans une opération en direction de la Syrie, pays avec lequel l'Egypte d'ailleurs formé une seule et même république de 1958 à 1961.
This Russian site
Quote (My translation): Egypt's Defense Minister Abdel Fattah al-Sisi announded that the Suez Canal is closed for passage of ships travelling to military operations being prepared in Syria. This is reported in the French site of Allain Jules.
Министр обороны Египта генерал Абдель Фаттах аль-Сиси заявил, что Суэцкий канал перекрыт для прохода кораблей, имеющих отношение к готовящейся военной операции в Сирии. Об этом 28 августа сообщает французский портал Allain Jules.
And here is that site:
Quote (my translation): Things are getting complicated for the Western aiders and abetters, warmongers and heirs of the German muzzy. Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, new strong man in Egypt, as a worthy heir to Nasser and persecutor of the brotherhood of nothing, has just announced the closing of the Suez Canal. This blocks American destroyers en route to Syria, and notably their logistic ship.
Les choses se compliquent pour les pousse-au-crime et va-t-en-guerre occidentaux et dignes héritiers du petit moustachu allemand. Le général Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, nouvel homme fort de l’Egypte, en digne héritier de Nasser et bourreau de la fraternité de rien du tout, commandant en chef des forces armées, vient d’annoncer la fermeture du Canal de Suez. Ceci bloque les destroyers américains en partance pour la Syrie, notamment leur ravitailleur.
Don Hank

From an Egyptian site:
أمر الفريق أول عبد الفتاح السيسي القائد العام للقوات المسلحة، بعدم دخول أي سفية حربية امريكية ناقلة للسلاح قناة السويس لضرب سوريا، مؤكداً علي التزام مصر باتفاقية الدفاع المشترك بين مصر وسوريا .
لافتاً إلي أن مصر لن تكون ممر لضرب أي دولة عربية ، مشيراً الي مصر لن تكرر اخطاء الحرب علي العراق .
Translated with Google Translate, cleaned up by Don Hank:
Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, ordered that no U.S. warship or tanker should enter the Suez Canal to strike Syria, stressing Egypt's commitment to mutual defense agreement between Egypt and Syria.
He stressed that Egypt will not be a path to hit any Arab country, and that Egypt would not repeat the mistakes of the war on Iraq.

From Al Nahar, which seems to be non-mainstream. Therefore, this news is still not 100% confirmed.

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