Thursday, August 1, 2013


Submitted by: Debbie Beatty

The Birth Certificate he has provided (Exhibit b) And by his continued usurpation of the office of President of the United States he is committing a crime against the same.
The 2010 Constitution of Kenya, (Exhibit a) currently in force, replaced the 1969 constitution, that itself had replaced the 1963 independence constitution. The constitution was presented to the Attorney General of Kenya on April 7, 2010, officially published on May 6, 2010, and was subjected to a referendum on August 4, 2010. The new Constitution was approved by 67% of Kenyan voters. The constitution was promulgated on 27 August 2010.
As of 27 August 2010 Barack Hussein Obama, II became a Citizen of Kenya under their Revised Constitution, retroactive to 12 December 1963. The previous Constitutions being repealed the new Constitution effects all who were born under British and Kenyan Constitutions after 1948.
He was allowed to run, be elected and installed as President of the United States, as a citizen of a foreign nation. (R e v. 2 0 1 0] Constitution of Kenya 17)
(*** emphasis added)
The Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act 2011 which implements Chapter 3 of the Constitution commenced on the 30th of August 2011 and effectively repealed the Kenya Citizenship Act Cap170, The Immigration Act Cap. 172 and the Aliens Restriction Act Cap 173, Law of Kenya.
Below is a clarification of Constitutional Provisions relating to Citizenship.

1. A person born of a Kenyan parent *** irrespective of the place of birth *** automatically becomes a citizen of Kenya by birth.

2. The constitution confers automatic recognition to persons holding citizenship of other countries as citizens of Kenya by birth so long as they are able to ***prove parentage as aforestated *** (National identification cards, passports). {(Exhibit b) (His Birth Certificate}
3. Kenya citizens by birth who wish to hold citizenship of other countries which do not allow dual citizenship may voluntary renounce and would be entitled upon application to regain their Kenyan citizenship.
4. Kenya citizens by birth who ceased to be citizens of Kenya by voluntarily acquiring the citizenship of other countries and renouncing the citizenship of Kenya in accordance with the repealed Constitution may regain citizenship UPON APPLICATION in the prescribed manner below.
5. ***The persons who enjoyed dual citizenship but who by virtue of the repealed Constitution renounced or lost their Kenyan citizenship upon attainment of the age of Twenty Three (23) years should automatically be deemed citizenship by birth. *** (this applies to Mr. Obama)
With the information herein provided it becomes the duty of the Courts of the United States and the Individual States to exercise their duty, responsibility and authority in concert with the following:

“18 USC § 4 - Misprision of felony
Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority
under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both…”

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