Saturday, August 24, 2013

CHUCK KOLB 08/24/2013

WW III Update - The Destruction of Damascus Draws Nigh: U.S. War Ships En-Route !!!

I am pretty tired of people saying 'DO NOT JUDGE' !!
This is very good !

"For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? 13 But those who are outside God judges.
Therefore “put away from yourselves the evil person." (1 Cor. 5:12-13)

Just today, I've heard Christians boldly declare Christians aren't supposed to judge. If we cant righteously judge the doctrines of demons
and rotten fruit being sown by false teachers deceptively coming in Christs name (Mat. 24:4-5), what is going to happen in these last days?
That's right, the greatest falling away of believers in the history of the church. (2 Thes. 2:3, 1 Tim. 4:1, 2 Tim. 4:3-4, 2 Pet. 2:1)

The English word "Judge" can be used in different ways.

The word for "judges" is "ἀνακρίνει". It means to judge up. One is to evaluate, discern even condemn. So it looks like this:
"He who is spiritual, judges all things,"(1 Cor.2:15) This isn’t unfair judging; but righteous discernment, which is solely needed today.

However, the word for condemning judgment is 'κρίνετε'. It means to judge down, unfairly condemn.
An example of this judging is Matthew 7:1 "Judge Not, less you be judged"


Demonsrtators who support the Egyptian military protest what they say is the U.S. government's support
of the Muslim Brotherhood on Thursday in front of the White House.

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Take the time this weekend to read these excerpts from Prof. Quigley's masterpiece... if you want to be in the know and understand the chaotic
world we live in.
If not, I am sure that there is an episode of American Idol or a sports game on somewhere for ya. And if you liked what you read,
here is a link to another free book
called None Dare Call it Conspiracy 

Tragedy and Hope
A History of Banking and Money by Carroll Quigley

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By Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr (AUS, Ret.) 

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The Feds destroy another Internet business.
Owner is told if he says the "wrong thing,"
he's going to jail.

The only way he can enjoy First Amendment
rights is to renounce his citizenship and
leave the country.

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Did You Get the Memo? Be Afraid America!

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SHOCKING VIDEO Exposes Evidence That Obama Financed Benghazi Terrorists
Posted : August 23, 2013 at 8:00 am
Author : Tim Brown

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The tyranny of broadcast reality: a short story

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Censorship! Beforeitsnews Syria Story Being Blocked By Internet Providers!

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Video Footage of ‘Chemical Weapons Attack’ Uploaded Before it Happened?
Russia: Provocation was “pre-planned”

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A word to rioting Muslims 

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Palin blackmailed ...
So far, I still believe a lot of the strategy by our enemies is to force us into that posture, I also believe we still have the ability to turn this around by
telling the politicians that we the people have figured out their role in this conspiracy and that their chances of getting out of this with out a trial and ending
up dangling at the end of a rope may begin to sink in.

Palin has made the following comments....So just who could possibly shut down 'Mama Grisly' if she did not go along with the charade. 
She is just as guilty as the rest of them

She had her opportunity to stand with the people and instead played politics.  Hanging is too good for any traitor even Ms. Palin. 
There are no forgiveness or understanding in this kind of treachery.

Treason is Treason

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The Blueprint: James Madison’s Advice
Even some who revere the Constitution make a similar mistake in thinking. They expect the federal government to restrain itself. They look to federal courts,
staffed with federal employees, to limit federal power. Or they think if they can just get the “right people” inside the system, the “good guys” will keep
everything in check. When these strategies fail, they protest and march. And when the federal officials ignore them and still refuse to respect the limits
of their power, they throw up their hands in desperation. [...]

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"The Truth must be told..."
It's a massive obscenity in a land where
official obscenity is a daily occurrence.

Eric Holder and Barack Obama are on
a stage today claiming their moral
authority derives from the work and
words of Martin Luther King.

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Game Changer ! (15:02) (Preview)

Veteran and Patriot Bobby Powell Exposes ALL TRUTHS ,About Not Only Obama and Libya , But on NDAA, FEMA, FBI, CIA,
Egypt,Iran, Russia, Israel and Syria! DHS Preparing for civil unrest on a scale they have never seen! EMP!

State And Local Officials Plan To Defend Citizens (40:48)
From NDAA Detentions And Gun Confiscations (Preview)

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Syrian army finds chemical agents as US navy expan ds presence in region (3:59)

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Where Are America's Heroes? ... J. D. Longstreet
by AKA John Galt

DEFINITION of HERO:  A man distinguished by exceptional courage and nobility and strength
This country, America, needs some heroes.  Badly.
Have you noticed that we have none?

In my youth heroes abounded.  There were, first and foremost, the military heroes, then the sports heroes,
even the guy down the block who saved the neighbor’s cat by climbing up the tree to retrieve the cat, he, too, was a hero.

Read more… 1,680 more words

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She Will Not Wear The Sign Of The Beast!
School decides future of radio-chipping for students

Password file -

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Hillary, Obama’s loyal co-conspirator
by Bogdan Kipling

Washington – “If Hillary runs, Hillary wins” goes the snappy poliTwitt making the rounds three
years before the 2016 Democratic presidential nominating convention.

CIA author’s ‘secret key’ unlocks CIA redactions
by Doug Hagmann

“I was in the belly of the beast. I began to see the lengths to which the CIA will go to conceal unconstitutional operations, hide information from Congress
and silence anyone inside who challenges it.” Those are the words of Kevin M. Shipp, a former category 1, highly decorated CIA agent who held
positions as an agent on the protective detail of the director and deputy director of the CIA, a manager of ongoing operations, an internal Security Officer,
a counterintelligence investigator tasked to ferret moles out of the CIA, a Counter Terrorism Center (CTC) officer, a protective operations team leader and a polygraph examiner.

Benghazi: “O! What a Fall was There”
by Jim ONeill

O! what a fall was there, my countrymen,
Then I, and you, and all of us fell down,
Whilst bloody treason flourish’d over us.
—William Shakespeare “Julius Caesar,” Act III, Scene II

My, my, my, oh what a tangled web we weave…. First we were treated to outright fables and fairytales about a
“spontaneous demonstration” supposedly caused by a laughably awful film that few had ever heard of, and even fewer seen.

† † † † † † †
This a jaw-dropping series of edits,
depicting members of the government
and familiar TV personalities being
caught lying right through their teeth
about the warrantless wiretapping, the
infinite dragnet abuses of the already-
unconstitutional Patriot Act.

This video was put together by author,
Allan Weisbecker and is part of an essay
he wrote for

30+ year NSA veteran programmer
and whistleblower, WIlliam Binney says
it all when he describes the motive of
this vast operation to record and store
all communications between Americans:
"The only motive I could think of is that
they wanted to leverage anybody in this
country...If you ever get on their enemy's
list, like Petraeus did, or for whatever
reason, then you can be drawn into that

[Speaking of General John Allen and Jill Kelley,
the latter of whom was the target of harassing
emails by General David Petreaus' paramour,
Paula Broadwell]: "Why were they targeted to
begin with? What law were they breaking or
what probable cause did they have?"

As the RT show host in this segment comments,
the most overlooked part of the Petreaus
scandal at the time was the incredible reach of
the Government's surveillance. As to General
John Allen, "Thousands of his personal emails
were sifted's not as if he were
planning an attack on America!"

Binney replies, "All the Congressional members
are under surveillance, too. No one's excluded...
so, yes, this could happen to anyone."

(For Jill Kelley's part, she is suing the FBI and
the Department of Defense for Invasion of Privacy.
The defamation of character and ridicule which
followed this breach, according to her and her
physician husband cost them millions of dollars
of lost business).

As Weisbecker says, "He who controls the NSA
database can force anyone to do...anything.
Weisbecker calls to: "Demand the deletion of
the illegal NSA data. NOW...and jail the
[constitutional oath-breaking] liars...all of them."

Liars on Parade
Video (about 10 mins)

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US Cannot 'Conclusively Determine' Chemical Weapons Use in Syria
by Scott Stearns
The United States says it can not yet "conclusively determine" that chemical weapons were used in an attack in Syria Wednesday
that Syrian opposition leaders say killed more than 1,000 people. Secretary of State John Kerry discussed the attack on Thursday with
counterparts from the European Union, France, Turkey, Jordan, and Qatar.

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Suggestion of an action we can do regarding the info from Zullo and Sheriff Joe. 
The info is available on this site.

God Bless our America

Faith shall be our Shield, Love of country shall be our Sword and our Victory shall be God's Crowning Glory.

One man with courage makes a majority.  ~Andrew Jackson
If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.   Thomas Paine,

The American Crisis, No. 1, December 19, 1776
"Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price
of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
Patrick Henry, 1775

8/23 Team Arpaio Updates Obama ID Fraud Case - Pastor Carl Gallups (10:40) (Preview)

Read excellent comments here
Open file -

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Universities are Instruments of Masonic Subversion (My Story)
Universities train us to serve the "criminal elite," Hamad Subani discovered first-hand.

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America’s “War on Terrorism”: The Truth will Prevail

by Prof Michel Chossudovsky
“The livelihood of millions of people throughout the World is at stake. It is my sincere hope that the truth will prevail and that the understanding
provided in this detailed study will serve the cause of World peace. This objective, however, can only be reached by revealing the falsehoods
behind America’s “War on Terrorism” and questioning the legitimacy of the main political and military actors responsible for extensive war crimes.”

I love the Lord, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications. Because
he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live.
Psalm 116:1-2 KJV 

Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey is expected to present options for a strike at a White House meeting on Saturday.
Potential targets include command bunkers and launchers used to fire chemical weapons.

President Obama's national security adviser, Susan Rice, sent out a Tweet on Friday, calling what happened "an apparent CW (chemical weapons) attack."
And the commander of U.S. forces in the Mediterranean has ordered Navy warships to move closer to Syria to be ready for a possible cruise missile strike.

BREAKING..August 23, 2013
7:36 PM CBS NEWS U.S. preps for possible cruise missile attack on Syrian gov't forces.

Biblical timeline ...
ISON'S Debris Trail Pt.1 /Parallex Factor DEBUNKED (11:53) (Preview)

Link for 1947 UN Document:
Resolution 181 (II). Future government of Palestine

WW III Update -
The Destruction of Damascus Draws Nigh:
U.S. War Ships En-Route !!!

Thanks - CS Larry

The Destruction of Damascus Draws Nigh: U.S. War Ships En-Route

for Possible Cruise Missile Attack on Syria

Following False Flag Event and What It Means

The United States military is now positioning its Navel Forces at Syrian shores in an escalation that could bring missile strikes upon Syrian forces. Before we dig into that, let us look at what is currently unfolding in order to have a better understanding of what is really taking place…
The entire “Syrian Crisis” has been fabricated from day one. It is widely known the West is funding and supporting the rebel cause. NATO has publicly stated, 70% of Syrians support President Assad. So we know this crisis is fabricated. The latest event to unfold was the claim that Assad’s forces used chemical weapons against his own people which killed an estimate of a hundred to over one-thousand people. I have asked, where are the photos? We have only seen photos with a few bodies. A commenter pointed out in, The Damascus Deception: Video of Chemical Attack Posted the Day Before “Massacre”“If it was nerve gas, then why is there no fecal matter or urine or foaming at the mouth? Why aren’t the bodies all contorted? These photos are all lies. definitely FALSE FLAG!!!!!!!!”
The link above documents the videos we have seen of this “attack” were recorded and posted a day before the actual attack took place. Meaning, this attack is a false flag event. If hundreds or even a thousand people were killed there would be more evidence to support those claims. Speaking of evidence, none exists that links Assad’s forces to this “attack.”
Reports by “biased regional media” about alleged chemical weapons use near Damascus might be “a provocation planned in advance,” says Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Aleksandr Lukashevich.
“It draws attention to the fact that biased regional media have immediately, as if on command, begun an aggressive information attack, laying all the responsibility on the government,” Lukashevich said in a statement on Wednesday.  
The Russian Foreign Ministry, citing its sources, said that a homemade rocket carrying unidentified chemical substances had been launched from an area controlled by the opposition.
“A homemade rocket with a poisonous substance that has not been identified yet – one similar to the rocket used by terrorists on March 19 in Khan al-Assal – was fired early on August 21 [at Damascus suburbs] from a position occupied by the insurgents,” Lukashevich said. - RT
It would appear the only evidence that has been presented would indicate Assad’s forces were not a part of this event. However, the United States is already moving military ships closer to Syrian shores… Today, Obama is meeting with his staff to discuss military options against Syria. Meanwhile,
The Pentagon is moving naval forces closer to Syria in preparation for a possible decision by President Barack Obama to order military strikes, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel suggested on Friday.
Hagel declined to describe any specific movements of U.S. forces. He said Obama asked that the Pentagon to prepare military options for Syria and that some of those options “requires positioning our forces.”
U.S. Navy ships are capable of a variety of military action, including launching Tomahawk cruise missiles, as they did against Libya in 2011 as part of an international action that led to the overthrow of the Libyan government.
“The Defense Department has a responsibility to provide the president with options for contingencies, and that requires positioning our forces, positioning our assets, to be able to carry out different options — whatever options the president might choose,” Hagel said. - ABC
CBS gives us more details,
The Pentagon is making the initial preparations for a cruise missile attack on Syrian government forces. We say “initial preparations” because such an attack won’t happen until the president gives the green light. And it was clear during an interview on CNN Friday that he is not there yet.
If the U.S. goes in and attacks another country, without a U.N. mandate and without clear evidence that can be presented,” the president told CNN, “then there are questions in terms of whether international law supports it – ‘do we have the coalition to make it work?’ Those are considerations that we have to take into account.” -CBS
Since when does the United States worry about International Law? Unfortunately, this is not the first time we have heard these words from our government. Globalism is building by the day my friends.
There is no doubt in my mind the United States will attack Syria. The only question is when? This has been planned for years and was made public initially in May-June. We reported on the “War Games” in the middle east in an article titled, War Games Complete: Jordan Hosted 8,000 Troops from 19 Countries in Readiness for West’s War with Syria. Those assets never left Jordan. United States missile batteries are still in place in Turkey and Jordan positioned against Syria. On July 13th we posted, The Destruction of Damascus Draws Nigh: US General, ‘We Are Preparing for Military Action in Syria’. Those plans have only continued and on August 13th we post, ‘They Cry Peace’ as U.S. General Dempsey Lands in Israel to Discuss War Plans for Syria. Yes, these plans of war have been in effect and as we see Dempsey spoke with Israel about them just weeks ago.
It matters not that this chemical attack was a staged event. What does matter is you know why this event is now unfolding before our eyes. Syria and Iran are about the only nations left on earth who are not a part of the International Bankers system. This is why their governments must be eliminated in order to bring leaders in who will go along with a New World Order Government. This is the end game. Global Government is not years down the road any longer, it is now visible on the horizon. We know Damascus will be destroyed perIsaiah 17:1, have you read? We also know Iran will be broken as per Daniel 7. These events are right before our eyes and we are witnessing scripture come to pass daily.
We should also take note, in recent weeks we have posted, Biblical Elements: Israeli PM Netanyahu’s Comments Indicate Israel Could Attack Iran Within Weeks and Expert: Israel Attack On Iran Imminent – ‘There Are About 1,100 Hard Targets That Have To Be Taken Out’. These stories are becoming more common and are softening up the public to the idea of another major war. These are all documented in God’s Word if we only take the time to read it.
Should the U.S. strike Syria, that will be the trigger that starts the next stage of war events across the globe. The war with Iran will come after a strike on Syria. All of these global events are not random or by accident. These are planned events for a desired result. That result is a New World Order Government.
Something big is getting ready to unfold my friends. The “glitches” in Cyber land and the stock markets of the world are no accident either.
Events of this magnitude are engineered, not some “accident”. If we dig into history we can document a global financial collapse occurs before major wars.
WWI and WWII both provide examples of this for us…
It is well past time to get your ship in order.

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