Saturday, August 24, 2013


Submitted by: Nancy Battle  
Dear Conservatives,
This a jaw-dropping series of edits, 
depicting members of the government 
and familiar TV personalities being 
caught lying right through their teeth 
about the warrantless wiretapping, the 
infinite dragnet abuses of the already-
unconstitutional Patriot Act. 

This video was put together by author, 
Allan Weisbecker and is part of an essay 
he wrote for

30+ year NSA veteran programmer 
and whistleblower, WIlliam Binney says 
it all when he describes the motive of 
this vast operation to record and store 
all communications between Americans: 
"The only motive I could think of is that 
they wanted to leverage anybody in this 
country...If you ever get on their enemy's 
list, like Petraeus did, or for whatever 
reason, then you can be drawn into that 

[Speaking of General John Allen and Jill Kelley, 
the latter of whom was the target of harassing 
emails by General David Petreaus' paramour, 
Paula Broadwell]: "Why were they targeted to 
begin with? What law were they breaking or 
what probable cause did they have?"

As the RT show host in this segment comments, 
the most overlooked part of the Petreaus 
scandal at the time was the incredible reach of 
the Government's surveillance. As to General 
John Allen, "Thousands of his personal emails 
were sifted's not as if he were 
planning an attack on America!"

Binney replies, "All the Congressional members 
are under surveillance, too. No one's excluded...
so, yes, this could happen to anyone."

(For Jill Kelley's part, she is suing the FBI and 
the Department of Defense for Invasion of Privacy.
The defamation of character and ridicule which 
followed this breach, according to her and her 
physician husband cost them millions of dollars 
of lost business).

As Weisbecker says, "He who controls the NSA 
database can force anyone to do...anything. 
Weisbecker calls to: "Demand the deletion of 
the illegal NSA data. NOW...and jail the 
[constitutional oath-breaking] liars...all of them."

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