Tuesday, July 30, 2013


1. Military Veterans Demand Benghazi Massacre Investigation
After Obama Dismisses “Phony” Scandals…(VIDEO)

2. America: A Country In Its Final Death Throes



3. Debt Ceiling Quietly Raised $51 Billion With No Vote – Video
Does the number $16.7 trillion ring a bell? It's the debt ceiling. It's the line in the sand that must not be crossed. And to protect that line we have a Republican Congress. But that line has been crossed and not a peep out of Congress or the major news media. Obama's unelected bureaucrat, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, just unilaterally hiked the national debt of the United States another $51 billion dollars. And how did he do it? Simple. He just did it. No Senate. No Congress. No problem. He simply called it a "standard set of extraordinary measures" that allows him continually raise the debt ceiling at will and borrow our way into oblivion. If there is a single conservative Congressmen left in our Republic, will he please stand up?


4. Jim Willie Major Expose: US Gov’t Leaders & Bank Leaders
Are Suddenly At Great Risk, Due To Hacked Security Data Bases


8. Obamacare’s Chickens Come Home To Roost


9. Chicagoland: Cash Reserves Plunge, Debt Triples…
WOONSOCKET ROCKET: City Hikes Taxes 23%

11. The Financial Feeding of the Massively Indebted American: Consumer Credit Owed Hits Record, Permanently High Gas Prices, & Feeding Empty Promises with Food Stamp Outlays Up 600% from 2000



12. Class, Race, Hierarchy, & Social Relations in ‘The Long Emergency’ –

Reality Does Not Have An Ideology


13. Society’s Insanity Plea: The Real Cause Behind
Global Mass Poisoning & The Downfall of Modern Civilization


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