Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Submitted by: Donald Hank
This is a nice Independence Day present for Americans. The Obama supported dictator in Egypt is gone, a defnite black eye for the usurper in chief who foolishly supported him, even sending troops and fighter planes to defend him under the pretext of peace keeping. Obama is now seen as an obnoxious control freak not only in the Middle East but also in Europe. No matter what you think of Ed Snowden (traitor, hero, indifferent), he clearly made a difference in helping expose this administration as the power hungry would-be dictatorship that it is.
If you think of Obama as a power freak, then remember that the more honor he has abroad, the more power he has here. The more prestige he has abroad, the less pressure he has to ease up and stop playing tin hat dictator in our country. When Obama loses prestige, the middle class regains some power.
So while some contend that Snowden caused America to lose prestige, the fact is that prestige never can be purchased at the cost of truth. Snowden caused OBAMA to lose prestige, not America. Good people everywhere know that Obama doesn't represent good Americans, so you have not lost prestige by having this cunning weasel exposed.
Don Hank

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