Thursday, June 13, 2013


June 13, 2013
GOP House has chance to prevent 'a perpetual tyranny'
ALAN KEYES — Every day, we see another headline focused on this or that figure associated with the GOP wing of the elitist faction who is supposedly demanding the truth on the multiplying "scandals" of Obama's occupation of the White House... (more)

CLIFF KINCAID — The NSA leaker is being protected by China and has a home waiting in Russia. Yet, conservative media personalities such as Glenn Beck are saying that he is a hero. They seem to think that the NSA's terrorist surveillance program has been used by Obama to go after conservatives, in the same way we have seen in the IRS scandal. There is no evidence this is the case.... (more)

FRED HUTCHISON, RA ANALYST — Frances Schaefer once said, "There are not many men in the house." What he meant was there are not many worldviews, and most worldviews are ancient. The youngest worldview I am aware of is two hundred and fifty years old. Half of the extant worldviews were in existence by 400 B.C. There are hundreds of philosophies, but most of them can be categorized under the heading of perhaps eight to ten worldviews... (more)

PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY — It has become evident that Barack Obama's definition of "fundamentally transforming the United States" includes Big Brother harassing selected conservatives while monitoring everybody's email and telephone traffic. These seem to be among the surprising duties of the Internal Revenue Service and the National Security Agency, respectively... (more)

JOSEPH FARAH — Do you trust government to track and collect the content of your emails and telephone calls with virtually no limitations? For Americans, that should be an easy question to answer. In another time, when the term "Americans" had more meaning, it would have been... (more)

WORLDNETDAILY — Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., has two dire warnings for America in an exclusive interview with WND. * Don't count on the House to stop amnesty. * And, if amnesty passes it will end our constitutional republic as we know it.... (more)

NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE — Representative Jim Sensenbrenner, who introduced the PATRIOT Act on the House floor in 2001, has declared that lawmakers' and the executive branch's excuses about recent revelations of NSA activity are "a bunch of bunk."... (more)

AARON KLEIN — Did Gen. Keith B. Alexander, director of the National Security Agency and commander of the U.S. Cyber Command, mislead Congress last year when he claimed the NSA does not intercept Americans' phone calls or online information?... (more)

WORLDNETDAILY — The National Security Agency surveillance scandal could now cost the federal government and its corporate cronies a cool $20 billion or more.... (more)

DAILYCALLER — Republican members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee are looking into allegations that the Internal Revenue Service seized 60 million medical records from a California health care provider.... (more)

BREITBART — Breitbart News reported last week that Rep. John Fleming (R-LA) passed an amendment in the House Armed Services Committee protecting religious speech of service members in the military. President Barack Obama has now threatened to veto the bill if it passes the full House and Senate.... (more)

WASHINGTON TIMES — A Kuwaiti cleric and president of Iqra TV has said that Islam allows for wife beatings if she suffers from a "mental disorder," such as masochism.... (more)

MICHELLE MALKIN — Welcome to Opposite World again. As the U.S. Senate geared up yesterday for the Gang of Eight illegal-alien-amnesty-bill debate, President Obama goaded Capitol Hill to pass what he called "smarter enforcement, a pathway to earned citizenship, and improvements to the legal system" of immigration. Bullcrap. The White House has already bulldozed a traffic-jammed superhighway for immigration lawbreakers by executive fiat.... (more)

NEWSMAX — Americans should not compare the National Security Agency's collection of phone and email records to the other scandals rocking Washington, former U.S. prosecutor Andrew McCarthy says....(more)

NEWSMAX — Edward Snowden, the contract employee who revealed National Security Agency data-gathering methods is being hailed as a hero by some and condemned as a traitor by others.... (more)

FRANK GAFFNEY — The revelation that the super-secret National Security Agency (NSA) has been vacuuming up so-called "metadata" from foreign and American communications has lots of us in a full-scale flail....(more)

WORLDNETDAILY — Did the Obama administration have advance knowledge whistleblower Edward Snowden had leaked NSA surveillance secrets to the Washington Post and London Guardian newspapers?...(more)

LORD MONCKTON — Mike Zullo, the volunteer chief investigator for Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz., is not letting go. Like a bulldog, he continues to investigate the outrageously bogus "birth certificate" Mr. Obama personally endorsed as his own when it was posted at the White House website a year before the last presidential election.... (more)

JOSEPH FARAH — Some extremely well-informed analysts, including my dear friend Rush Limbaugh, have suggested that we will never find Barack Obama's fingerprints on the scandal involving the Internal Revenue Service's political targeting of tea party activists, conservatives and other Obama critics. I'm not so sure.... (more)

WORLDNETDAILY — As Americans watch congressional hearings on the Internal Revenue Service, they should ask themselves what this enormously powerful, corrupt, politically motivated agency might do with its new job of administering Obamacare.... (more)

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