Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Liberty Counsel
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Fox news is reporting that the cost of specialty drugs used to treat long-term illnesses is likely to skyrocket under ObamaCare.  This could be catastrophic for a great many families.
Together, let’s pray ObamaCare never makes it to its scheduled January 2014 full implementation.  In 48 hours, the Liberty Counsel legal team faces the Obama Department of Justice in a federal court of appeals.  Together, we can strike ObamaCare down!  Please see my important message below – Mat.

Fox News is reporting that California may be setting a precedent to help states offset the exorbitant costs of ObamaCare…
To try to keep premiums low, some states are allowing insurers to charge patients a hefty share of the cost for expensive medications used to treat cancer, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other life-altering chronic diseases.
Such "specialty drugs" can cost thousands of dollars a month, and in California, patients would have to pay up to 30 percent of the cost.

What happened to the “Affordable Care Act” (ACA) promised by the very name of the ObamaCare legislation?  It will simply never be as affordable as originally sold to Americans.  In fact, I believe the ACA, left to its course, will ultimately bankrupt our families and our nation.

++Where was President Obama on Mother’s Day?  Out reselling ObamaCare to the public!

Sunday, President Obama was campaigning for ObamaCare. The nation’s Salesman-in-Chief  told his audience not to be “confused” or “bamboozled” by critics of his signature achievement.

The fact is, over half of all Americans admit they don’t understand ObamaCare. And my sense is, neither does more than half of the legislators who passed it into law!  Otherwise, they would never have voted for such a monstrosity. They were, in the President’s words, “bamboozled.”

Correcting this confusion is why the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) must spend an initial amount of $150 million of our taxpayer dollars to resell the increasingly unpopular law and begin “training” people how to enroll in ObamaCare!  But that first installment won’t be anywhere near the cost of the full-on propaganda campaign we will soon see.

“Confusion” doesn’t begin to describe American citizens’ thoughts toward ObamaCare right now.  Here’s how one of ObamaCare’s chief architects, Senator Jay Rockefeller, is now describing the law…

“I believe that the Affordable Care Act is probably the most complex piece of legislation ever passed by the United States Congress. Tax reform obviously has been huge too, but up to this point, it is just beyond comprehension... [The ACA is] so complicated and if it isn't done right the first time, it will just simply get worse.”

That’s why Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has been soliciting funds from industry leaders, community groups, and other private organizations to help pay for the indoctrination of Americans into accepting the realities of ObamaCare. Her tactics have raised the eyebrows of many legislators concerning the legality of her actions.

++We are 48 hours away from a historic legal battle.  We are coupling our legal argument with intense prayer.

Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit against ObamaCare is the most comprehensive and significant challenge to ObamaCare in the country.

I sincerely believe that we have an excellent chance of ridding our nation of this unconstitutional, immoral, and fiscally unsound law.

++Get your copies of ObamaCare Exposed: The Legal and Fiscal Consequences of the Healthcare Takeover.

As a signer of Liberty Counsel’s powerful Amici Book, you can take advantage of obtaining a very special Liberty Counsel resource.

ObamaCare Exposed: The Legal and Fiscal Consequences of the Healthcare Takeover.

ObamaCare is poised to become an unmitigated disaster for America’s health care system, for the nation’s fiscal future, and for the hope of ever again having a limited government.

You should know the hidden dangers of ObamaCare lurking inside the so-called “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Law” – and now dramatically expanded to over 15,000 pages of government addendums and regulations.

ObamaCare will alter virtually every aspect of the American way of life: Our finances (nationally, corporately, and individually), our individual choices, our liberties, our rights of conscience, and of course, our world-class healthcare system.

Today, you can obtain the book on ObamaCare that is an essential resource for every American business, family, and individual.


Time is short before our court date at the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, so please remember us in prayer this week.

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. Patients with long-term illnesses don’t need higher costs!  Don’t be “bamboozled,” as our President has challenged us.  ObamaCare is a “train wreck” and “beyond comprehension” according to two of the law’s key architects!  It is a law of broken promises and unconstitutional and immoral mandates.

We will not rest until ObamaCare is defeated. This law must not stand!

Please click here to learn more about the opportunity to obtain the book on ObamaCare that is an essential resource for every American business, family, and individual: ObamaCare Exposed: The Legal and Fiscal Consequences of the Healthcare Takeover.


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