Monday, May 6, 2013


Submitted by: Walter F Kirkpatrick


Editor Sharon Rondeau (The Post & Email online newspaper),
Editor Johnson (Chattanooga Times Free Press),
Senior Investigative Reporter Jay Seper (Washington Times),

As I'm grouping statements, there are fourteen (14) people who've supplied uncounted statements to law enforcement officials specifically tied to the events of 20 April 2010.

Added to the statements I've collected from eye witnesses who were in Madisonville, Tennessee on Tuesday, 20 April 2010 I discuss below official statements made to law enforcement officers that are known to me.

I do not hold any of any official law enforcement records in my possession concerning these official statements. Editor Sharon Rondeau's freedom of information act requests remain denied even on appeal.

In the narrative below the number count represents the number of individual people who gave statements, not the number of statements. 

FBI Special Agent Chuck Reed contacted Mr. & Mrs. Darren Huff at their Georgia home on the evening of Monday, 19 April 2010. Mr. Huff  & Mrs. Huff gave a statements to S/A Reed (official statements #1 and #2).

Mr. Michael DeSilva rode with Mr. Darren Huff on the morning of 20 April 2010. Mr. Desilva was with Darren Huff when Tennessee Highway Patrol officers pulled the two men over just off Exit 60 from Interstate 75.

Both men gave statements to Donald Williams (official statements #3 and #4).

Williams was Deputy Chief of the 10th Judicial District's Drug and Violent Crime Task Force under Chief Mike Hall and 10th Judicial District Attorney General Robert Steven Bebb at the time.

(NOTE: Mr. Huff later gave statements to FBI Special Agents Scott Johnson and Michael Harrell. Keeping with my methodology, I count Mr. Huff's follow on official law enforcement statements as  official statement #1 - counting Mr. Huff the person as #1 who happened to give multiple statements (uncounted)).

Mr. DeSilva was not armed. 

Neither Messrs. Huff nor DeSilva were "domestic terrorists" nor "sovereign citizens," nor have they ever been.

Mr. Huff voluntarily locked up the hand gun he carried on his person in a tool box in the bed of Mr. Huff's truck before Messrs. Huff and Desilva traveled the remaining 14-miles into Madisonville.

Mr. Huff drove as far as Donna's Old Town Cafe and stayed there until he and Mr. DeSilva drove out of town.

Law enforcement officers approached no one in the city of Madisonville to take statements. No other persons (citizen supporters) gave statements on Tuesday, 20 April 2010.

There exist no known law enforcement statements dated 21, 22, 23. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 or 30 April 2010, nor on Saturday, 1 May 2010.

NOTE WELL: FBI Special Agent Mark A. Van Balen's sworn affidavit dated 26 April 2010 (attached as a .pdf record)!

Mr. M.J. Blanchard gave a statement to FBI Special Agent Marcus Veazey on Sunday evening, 2 May 2010. Veazey made contact with Mr. Blanchard unannounced at Mr. Blanchard's Georgia home (official statement #5). Mr. Blanchard met with FBI S/A Veazey three more times after 2 May 2010. I count Mr. Blanchard and person #5 who gave multiple statements.

Two male FBI special agents contacted Mr. & Mrs. Elbert and Helen Thurston unannounced on Monday morning, 3 May 2010 in Sweetwater, Tennessee. Mr. & Mrs. Thurston both gave statements (#6 and #7).

The same two agents then drove unannounced to the Tennessee home of Mr. John Ivens. Mr. Ivens gave a statement Monday afternoon, 3 May 2010 (official statement #8).

In Georgia, on the same afternoon of 3 May 2010, FBI Special Agent John Harris interviewed Messrs. Carl Swensson and Jim Renn between 1400 and 1600 hours EDT (official statements #9 and #10).

Although I do not have the actual dates, I am led to believe that FBI agents contacted Pastor Jim Headings, Mr. Doyle Pritchard and former Sergeant of Marines William Loomin during the week of 3 May 2010.

Pastor Jim Headings was contacted at his Tennessee home without warning. Pastor Jim's statement counts as official statement #11.

Mr. Pritchard was contacted at his Tennessee home without warning. Mr. Pritchard's statement counts as official statement #12.

Marine Sergeant Loomin was contacted at his Georgia home without warning. Sergeant Loomin's statement counts as official statement #13.

I drove to the Knoxville, TN FBI Division Headquarters (castle) on 4 March 2011 unannounced. I volunteered a statement to the Duty Agent, James E. Bentley, III.

FBI S/A Michael Harrell called me afterwards to schedule another interview. I returned to the FBI Knoxville Headquarters the following week, on 10 March 2011. I sat for an interview with FBI S/A Harrell, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation S/A Andy Corbitt, and Senior Tennessee Highway Patrol Trooper J.C. Parrott, all three men members of the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force team for East Tennessee.

I returned to the FBI's Knoxville castle voluntarily, and unannounced, on 28 June 2011. That day I gave my statement to S/A Roxanne J. West.

I returned to the FBI's Knoxville Division office voluntarily, and unannounced, on 7 September 2011. That day I briefed FBI S/A Andrew C. Chapman.

Then, in December 2011, on a scheduled appointment, I drove to the FBI's Knoxville castle to meet with FBI S/A Reanna (sp?) Day. As I requested, I met with S/A Day in her capacity as an FBI  "Internal Affairs" (Investigations Squad) agent.

I've been unsuccessful in attempting to give a statement to FBI S/A Rob Root, head of the Knoxville Division Public Corruptions Squad.

I've been unsuccessful in giving statements to law enforcement officials from Tennessee's Bureau of Investigation (separately from my exchange with S/A Andy Corbitt).

In Mach of this year I provided a statement to a detective from the McMinn County Sheriff's office.

I've been repeatedly thwarted from testifying before either a federal or Tennessee State Grand Jury.

I've made tens of phone calls reporting the criminal adventures of a wide spectrum of law enforcement officials. I've lost count. 

My most recent phone call was made this morning (attached as a .wma audio file).

I count myself as person #14, having given multiple statements to various law enforcement officials.

So, as I'm grouping statements, there are fourteen (14) people who've supplied uncounted statements to law enforcement officials specifically tied to the events of 20 April 2010.

Through all of this, with based upon knowledge regarding tens and tens of official statements made to law enforcement officials, not one person, NOT A SINGLE ONE, was ever identified by name to have been carrying a gun in Madisonville, Tennessee on Tuesday morning, 20 April 2010, not a one, NOT A SINGLE ONE, was ever identified by name as a "domestic terrorist," or a "sovereign citizen."

I reserve the right to amend this statement should I later find I left something out.

More to follow tomorrow,
Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III

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