Saturday, May 11, 2013


Submitted by: Donald Hank

I agree that our original sin was failing to vet this imposter and make him produce docs. But what could a morally bankrupt nation do? We had already collectively agreed (even under Bush) that bankers no longer had to require documentation when handing out mortgages like candy or needed to accept responsibility for selling worthless securities all over the world. Nor did the rating agencies have to accept any responsiblity for issuing sterling ratings to junk. Likewise, most major cities became sanctuary cities where police no longer turned crimals over to ICE or asked for proof of legal residency. Law and order was malleable, to be decided at the moment and on whims. The age of responsibility was over years ago. But maybe we can still take an object lesson from the chaos that ensued and that we now live in. No matter what, we will all benefit from damage control if the rascal in chief can be held accountable for his crimes. Obama's house appears to be falling down. Don Hank

Sen. Inhofe Says Obama Could Be Impeached Over Most Egregious Cover-Up In American History (by Madeleine Morgenstern at

Sen. Inhofe ALMOST has it right!

The most egregious cover-up in American history was covering up Obama's ineligibility to be President. Allowing a usurper to be President was the fault of the Republicans in Congress like Sen. Inhofe who worried about being blamed for blacks rioting if they questioned his eligibility. Every single bill and EO signed by Obama is null and void. Porkylus is void, Obamacare is void and so will be Amnesty for 40 to 60 million illegals if that bill passes Congress. The constitutional crisis will be massive.

While the Republicans in Congress weren't part of the Democrat cover-up of Obama's ineligibility (the fraudulent documents, the freezing of documents at Occidental College, Harvard and Hawaii), they allowed a Communist usurper to take control of the nation by failing on December 8, 2008 to speak out about concerns over his ineligibility.

Rep. Ron Paul famously said (a few days before that joint Republican meeting), "If I did that (question his eligibility), they'd throw me out of Congress!"

Ron Paul's statement was the nail in the coffin for the nation, the giving of the most powerful nation on earth to a usurper. Ron Paul should have been booted out of Congress for making that wussie, irresponsible statement.

My thanks to for posting this story.

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