Saturday, April 20, 2013


Submitted by: Nancy Battle

Dear Patriots:
For the past several years, each of us have been actively working and committed to preserving the fundamental principles upon which this country was founded with its strong Judeo-Christian religious foundation in direct opposition to the spread of worldwide Socialism.  Today, we are up against the so called left-liberal "Progressive Democrat agenda" which is nothing more than an extension of the agenda of the Communist USA organization.
This movement is so strong today that it cuts across every element of our society in America to include the electronic and printed media; education at all levels; motion picture and television production with its high profile personalities; internet services; Socialist oriented non-profit organizations and foundations; ultra-liberal business owners; and, of course, local, state and the federal government officials.  
President Obama, his key staff members and all of the people who have been appointed by him are part of this worldwide Socialist conspiracy to destroy American exceptionalism, and the demonizing organized religion, especially Christianity.  Remember, the President and his staff are students of the radical Saul Alinsky and Bill Ayers game plan for America.  
Keep in mind that the average American is unaware of what is actually happening in this country, and are the victims of mainstream media lies and the entertainment style showmanship of President Obama and his stage props of people who have sustained losses of one sort or another.  It is up to us to educate the uninformed.
It is hoped that you will take the time to carefully read and study what Wikipedia has published about the history of the Communist USA organization and the people who have been involved with them since coming on the scene in America.  While they have had their ups and downs over the years, especially during the McCarthy era, today they are stronger than ever.  Compare what you read here against what we are up against today.        
It is most unfortunate that so many of our favorite conservative radio and television personalities have seized upon this time in our history to lull conservatives into a false sense of security with their meaningless talk, and a lack of action to be fully engage in the fight against hard core Socialist. They exist is to sell  their books, particiapte in highly paid personal stage appearances, and to make millions of dollars from their networks and sponsors.  Meanwhile, the left-liberal Socialist are working diligently toward the total domination of America and the rest of the world with a determination of universal Socialism. Meanwhile, millions of Americans are still out of work, and millions more are on welfare and food stamps in keeping with the Obama game plan of universal Socialism. 
A quick review of the onslaught of Socialism in America, we find the Roosevelt administration in the 1930s & 40s, continuing under Harry Truman.  When John Kennedy was elected President, he was liberal by definition, but not a hard core Socialist.  Jimmy Carter was an ultra-liberal, but not a hard core Socialist. His ideas, however, caused political and economic chaos in America.  It wasn't until Bill Clinton came on the scene that the U.S. would experience real hard-core Socialism with an element of moderation for political expediency.  Now we have Barack Obama who has pulled out all of the stops to bring a new political and social order of Marxist style Socialism to the U.S. under the "Progressive" banner without compromise.     
Even if Obama’s “Cue de taunt” of transforming America into a Communist State is not totally successful, it will take at least a generation or two, to undo the damage that has been done in the last four years alone, if in fact it can ever be completely undone.

The infiltration of ‘Communist Socialism’ and ‘Islamic Theocracy’ into the very fabric of American Western culture is so far reaching that the inertia of these evil and vile philosophies hasn’t even begun to rear their ugly heads.

Attempts at socializing American business and the recent Islamic terrorist attacks are just the beginning, just a sour repugnant taste of what is to come because of this blind deceptive ideology that our country seems to be caught up in.

Promises of government handouts, the amoral religion of political-correctness and the multi-cultural guilt of our past are helping to fuel the deception of “Change”.

We certainly hope that you find this message informative and will help guide your future actions to defeat universal Socialism in America.
Please do not hesitate to pass this message on to those who need to know the truth. 
Paul J. Marino J.D.

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