Thursday, April 18, 2013


Victory: Obama Enraged Over Failure Of Gun-Grab Legislation

According to the liberal New York TimesBarack Obama's face was "set with rage" as he stood in the Rose Garden today. US News commented that his "display of anger and frustration at the Senate for rejecting a major gun-control bill did more than signal presidential pique."

As you may already know, the United States Senate just voted down gun-control measures that theUsurper-In-Chief and extreme leftists in Congress were hoping would pave the way toward enacting further infringements on your Second Amendment rights; and we'd like to express our thanks to all of you who sent faxes and made phone calls to Congress.

While many in Washington will jump to take credit for the defeat of this unconstitutional effort to infringe on the Second Amendment and the liberal media will attempt to marginalize the American people on the issue by laying the "blame" at the feet of self-appointed boogie-men, know that, in the end, it was your efforts and your willingness to speak up that made all of the difference

Again, accept our thanks. If you sent Blast Faxes or made phone calls to the Senate, know that it is patriotic Americans like you who are holding the line against those who seek to destroy this great country.

Of course, the fight is not over. As long as evil exists in the world, the fight will never be over. Nancy Pelosi told Politico today she's "just not taking no for an answer" and will "continue to push for gun control" in the House of Representatives.

Harry Reid proclaimed: "This is just the beginning" and the liberal New York Times reports:"Democrats are counting on Mr. Obama’s rage to spread through the nation, and are hoping to eke out a political and eventually legislative victory."

Frowning like a petulant child during his speech in the Rose Garden, Obama asked [referring to the Manchin-Toomey so-called 'background check amendment'] how a measure that was supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans had slipped away.

The answer, of course, is that the measure was NOT supported by a majority of Americans. Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) expressed the true feelings of most Americans when he said: "Like most Americans, I want to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals and dangerous mentally ill people,"but measures defeated in the Senate would overly burden "a law-abiding citizen’s ability to exercise his or her Second Amendment rights and creates uncertainty about what is and is not a criminal offense."

Again, the fight is not over. We are certain that totalitarian-minded elected officials will take another shot a gun confiscation [pun intended] and will bring up other measures that are designed to rob us of our fundamental God-given rights and economic prosperity, but we are certain that will patriotic Americans, like you, on our side that we will prevail.

Again, accept our thanks and remember that in spite of what you may hear, this victory is yours and shows, once again, that the voice of the people is the most potent weapon in political battle and always changes the political landscape when sufficient numbers of us choose to deploy it.

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