Thursday, March 14, 2013


Submitted by: C Thomas Hockenberry

Obama wants a Civilian Force that he can have personal control to do his dirty work.
Obama wants a Force Like Hitler had the SS with their emblem looking like 2 backward zees or 2 Lightening Bolts.
What Obama just can't get is that "We The People" have a Civilian Force of millions that are more powerful that he could ever dream to have.
We could kill his force........Or what I really should say God can.
We have millions of humans with weapontry.....but, God at the right time will use his angels.

It's Not the Bullets, Baby!

by Chet Nagle

In 2008 candidate Obama said, "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that is just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." Listen to it. After he was elected in 2008, President Obama never again mentioned his "national security objectives," or the "national security force" he wanted to create. Was that 2008 statement just an applause line? Not really, citizen, not really.

The president has never again mentioned his "national security force" or his "national security objectives," and because mainstream media has never questioned him, Americans have two choices: Forget it and trust the White House, or examine actions of the Obama administration over the last five years. If we look closely, a pattern emerges.

To begin, there are those massive Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ammunition buys. One contract is for 450 million rounds, according to the ammo company, ATK. With just this one contract, DHS buys 90 million rounds per year of 40-caliber pistol ammo. There are other contracts, some with parts blacked out by DHS, but that cover ammunition for 9mm pistols, shotguns, .308-caliber sniper rifles, and other weapons. These ammunition contracts surfaced last year, and some analysts calculated the total to exceed 1.6 billion rounds! There are websites laced with links to DHS ammo contracts. [] The official explanation for these contracts is that DHS agents need the bullets for "mandatory quarterly firearms qualifications and other training sessions." No explanation is given for the bullets that have expensive and deadly hollow-points that are not used for target practice, and no explanation for the sniper rifle ammunition. Interestingly, a comparison of these amounts with records of ammunition used by U.S. forces in battle in Iraq -- 5.5 million rounds per month -- gives a rough calculation that DHS has enough ammo to fight a thirty-year war. Since DHS does not operate in Iraq, who is the enemy in America they plan to shoot?

There are many other DHS contracts for things like: armored fighting vehicles, bullet-proof booths for street check-points, bullet-proof vests, riot gear, 7,000 fully automatic AR-15 rifles, and over $30 billion in grants to cooperating local police forces for military-style equipment. In 2011, the DHS budget was $98.8 billion, but they spent only $66.4 billion.

Then there are those viral internet rumors about internment camps. Before you think, "Right wing extremist propaganda," remember those 110,000 Japanese-American citizens in 1941. By Executive Order of President Roosevelt, they spent four years in "relocation" camps built in rural areas from the Mississippi to Hawaii. Even Canada, our very liberal northern neighbor, uprooted 27,000 Japanese-Canadians from their homes and scattered them into 22 camps across western Canada.

Of course, "It can't happen here." Nevertheless, KBR (former Halliburton subsidiary, Kellogg, Brown & Root) is soliciting support teams for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) camps. The KBR descriptive document is for services for the camps in five FEMA "regions" of the United States. (It has a map of those regions.)

And the U.S. Army issued a 326 page manual, Internment and Resettlement Operations? It might be just a manual for army camps holding foreign prisoners of war, except for the sections under "Civil Support Operations," and how the Army will handle "DCs," that is, Dislocated Civilians. It details how Psychological Operations Officers will "reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes," including "muffling" (gagging) agitators. The manual clearly states it applies within "the U.S. and its territories," and that the Posse Comitatus Act prohibiting using U.S. soldiers as a police force in America can be sidestepped by the president "invoking his executive authority."

Some argue President Obama and DHS will not ignore constitutional limits on their authority. They are wrong. For example, the Fourth Amendment guarantees "the people have a right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures..." and a warrant is required that describes the place, person or thing to be seized. The Obama administration don't need no stinkin' warrants. Instead, DHS states that if you live within 100 miles of a U.S. international border, DHS can seize and search all your electronic devices including cell phones, tablets, and laptops - without probable cause or a warrant. They call it "the border security search zone." This ‘search zone' includes entire states: Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, plus large parts of New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Take them to court, you say? It might be difficult to do after you are arrested under provisions of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and denied habeas corpus and a public trial before a jury of your peers.

Rob Natelson, former professor of law at the University of Montana, has written a masterful analysis of how Congress surrendered the right to due process to President Obama, giving him power under the NDAA to detain American citizens indefinitely.

Now look at the president's Executive Orders (EO). On 16 March 2012, President Obama issued EO,National Defense Resources Preparedness. It states the president can seize all the resources in the nation (food, water, transportation, etc.) "to promote the national defense," another undefined phrase. On 6 July 2012, this power was combined with EO, Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions that gives DHS the power to control the internet to "satisfy priority communications requirements through the use of commercial, Government, and privately owned communications resources, when appropriate." The words "when appropriate" are not defined.

So let's add it up:
1.   DHS has 270,000 personnel including an army of 70,000 armed agents. Among other things, it controls the internet and all communications.
2.   An Army manual says Posse Comitatus will be sidestepped by the president so uniformed troops can become national police.
3.   FEMA camps are being organized and serviced.
4.   The 4th and 10th Amendments are ignored by DHS, and the 2nd Amendment's ‘right to bear arms,' is under vigorous attack.
5.   Executive Orders enable the president to control food, utilities, and the internet. When grocery stores are empty, citizens must go to FEMA camps for bread and water. (Leave your guns at the door, please.)
6.   A "civilian national security force" that candidate Obama wanted in 2008 is now the DHS, and it takes orders from President Obama.
So it is not just DHS ammo. To those billions of bullets, add the power government agents have to take control of the Republic, "when appropriate." Get ready to hear: "I'm from DHS, and I'm here to help you."
The will to conquer is the first condition of victory!

An interesting treatise from a guy down the street.
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Date: Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 10:27 PM


"Dreamers" may hope that all those bullets and other para-military police stuff would be used on the urban hoodlums that riot in Newark, Harlem, Bedford-Styvesant, SW LA, St. Louis, Kansas City, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, DC, Atlanta, Denver, and Spokane, and the surviving ghetto dwellers might be housed in some of those FEMA camps after they riot and their slums are burned out. ( Remember the MLK Jr and Rodney King riots aftermath ?)

However, today is neither 1968 nor 1992, Barry Soetoro aka Soebarkah aka "Obama" ( liar, forger, perjurer, closet Marxist, closet Muslim, and Traitor ) is not going to have his "Civilian National Security FEMA Force Para-Military Police Blueshirts" contain the ghetto dwellers. Instead, he's promising them some fine homes and other properties way better that FEMA camps! YOURS' !

"Obama's" plan is to remove YOU from the home YOU own, which YOU bought and paid for, and put YOU in the FEMA Camps, if you're still alive after the gun confiscations are completed.  And some ghetto dweller, or illegal alien, will enjoy YOUR home because you won't be there to need it any more. THAT's "Obama's" plan for most of us ! "From each according to his ability and to each according to his need."  ( Dead men need nothing, but living trolls and servants of the ObamaMessiahCaliphate will get the spoils of class warfare. )  

No, "Obama" won't contain the folk in slums and ghettos. Instead, he will bus those folk to the suburbs and arm them with machetes ( remember Rwanda? ), so they can vent their "oppressed victim" spleens on the middle and upper class people, who'll likely get "necklaced" with old tires and gasoline around their necks like what happened at the hands of Mau Mau in Kenya , or cut down and chopped apart by gangs with machetes . 

We thought we lived in a Constitutional Republic? But everyone else knew it had been transformed into a democracy, where 30 million ghetto dwellers and another 20 million illegal aliens need the wealth that Obama promised he'd redistribute to them if they voted for him. (Yes, he does intend to keep that one campaign promise to HIS voters.  Later, he'll get most of them killed off also, but they don't realize that yet. Again, read up on what happened in Rwanda! And, what the Georgia Guidestones indicate that the elitists plan, using "Obama" and his "Civilian Security Fema Class " graduates , followed by Anthrax, Swine Flu, or some genetically engineered  virus pandemic. ) 

Why do I believe this is what will happen here? In 1953, my family ( and partners, which included a Cuban family) began converting an exploitive but bankrupt sugar plantation in Santiago de Cuba Province into a seedstock beef cattle ranch to upgrade all beef and dairy breeds in Cuba using Santa Gertrudis which are tick, fly, and disease resistant.

Never mind that in 6 years we took a bankrupt sugar plantation and sugar mill and converted the canefields into sustainable grasslands, protected the tropical rainforested hillsides with fencing, barged the original registered heifers and bulls over from King Ranch, Texas,  hired back half the sugar corporations' employees to accomplish that, & were transforming the skin n' bones native Cuban cows into healthy beef and dairy herds.

In January 1959, Castro's Marxist thugs EXPROPRIATED our land and properties, shot and ate all the registered seedstock cows, had the land covered with squatters from the urban ghettos and called that "agrarian reform" , and shot our ranch manager and Cuban partner in Havana Sports Stadium along with 1,100 other Cuban Patriots.  Thousands of other Cubans who loved freedom, liberty and justice fled to Florida, losing everything, but saving their lives.

The big question is, will Americans just sit and wait for  the liars, perjurers, marxists, muslims, traitors, thieves and murderers to fire the first shot?

Wouldn't it be smarter to organize our own neighborhoods? Ally with our elected County Sheriff? Learn where DHS stores all those bullets?  Have a workable plan? and Execute that plan when "THEY" fire that first shot? 

"THEY" are criminals, perjurers in violation of their Oath of Office, and "they" have NO basis in Law, proceding only under "color of law" but in actual violation of it. ( Max B. is a perjurer. Perhaps he'd be happy in a FEMA Camp, detained forever without Warrant, since he signed that Bill - which is null and void, BTW ! No "law" that violated the Constitution can be passed or enforced. They are null and void ab initio, as in Marbury vs. Madison! )

All the federalized boys and girls had better ask themelves if they' willing to die for a stinking paycheck just to infringe on We The Peoples' GOD-given and Constitutionally-protected Rights.

It will be their choice, to obey some UNLAWFUL order issued from an ineligible liar and forger placed into de factor office by elections frauds, who's by-passing Congress with his flood of "executive orders",  and be shot down as the liar's agents  --- or to honor their Oaths of Office and preserve America under the Rule of Law, and turn on and arrest who ever gave them an UNLAWFUL order and detain them pending trial. 

And if "they" resist that LAWFUL arrest? What would happen to you or me if WE resisted a LAWFUL arrest?  ( Gordon Wendell Kahl's wife and son were not named in ANY warrant, nor were Vicki and Sam Weaver, or any of the 100+ Seventh Day Adventist Church members murdered at Waco .)    Isn't turn about fair play? Doesn't what goes around come around?  

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