Thursday, March 28, 2013


“Civilization Jihad”

Dear Conservatives, 

In the Muslim Brotherhood explanatory memorandum for its strategic objectives in North America we read:
The Ikhwan [brothers] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.

This memorandum was approved by the Muslim Brotherhood Shura Council, and the U.S. Justice Department affirmed its authenticity when it entered the memorandum as evidence in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing trial.

Think about what this memorandum is saying.

  • It’s calling for a “grand Jihad”;
  • Its goal is to destroy Western civilization;
  • They will use people in the West as enablers of their own destruction (“sabotaging its miserable house by their hands…”)

In other words, the Muslim Brotherhood believes that by using “information warfare” it can recruit Westerners to assist it in toppling Western civilization.

And the Muslim Brotherhood has been very successful at doing this.

Who are these enablers?

They include those who refuse to acknowledge jihadist ideology as the driving force behind Islamic terrorism. Those who believe deceptive platitudes offered by groups like CAIR, ISNA, MPAC and ICNA. Those who actively work to silence critics of radical Islam by calling them “Islamophobes.”

Lt. Col. Dooley
When General Martin Dempsey publicly dressed down Lt. Colonel Matthew Dooley, who was teaching about the threat of Islamic terrorism at the National Defense University, Dempsey became a poster child for the Muslim Brotherhood’s goal of tearing us down “by our own hands.”

ACT! for America is aggressively fighting back against the Muslim Brotherhood’s “civilization jihad.”

  • From the Obama administration to university professors to media personalities who flack for the Muslim Brotherhood, we are exposing their tactics and associations with Muslim Brotherhood connected organizations.
  • On Capitol Hill and in state legislatures we are educating elected officials and their staffs about the Muslim Brotherhood and its strategy of using Americans to do its bidding to achieve its goal of destroying us from within. Our Director of Government Relations points congressional staff to theMuslim Brotherhood expose’ located on the ACT! for America Education website.
  • We’ve launched a national campaign, “Americans United to Defend Free Speech,” to fight back against assaults on free speech by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and its enablers in our government.
Your monthly Patriot Partner gift or single Contributing Member gift will help us continue and even expand these efforts. 

Please log on here and make either a monthly Patriot Partner contribution or a single gift Contributing Member contribution.

Our online contribution process is safe, simple and secure.

If you prefer to mail a check, you can print out a reply form here.

The Muslim Brotherhood has already proven in Europe how successful its information warfare strategy can be. Just ask people like Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Woolf, ACT! for America chapter leader in Austria, who was convicted of using “hate speech.” European leaders doing the bidding of the Muslim Brotherhood are tearing down their countries by their own hands!

Author Mark Steyn has stated he believes America is the last hope against the rising tide of global radical Islam. ACT! for America is on the front lines of this struggle and we need your help!

Please visit our website today and make the most generous monthly Patriot Partner contribution or single Contributing Member contribution you can make.

Or, if you prefer to mail a check, you can print out a reply form here.

Help us reach today’s Spring Pledge Drive goal, and by doing so, help us continue our pushback against the Muslim Brotherhood’s “civilization jihad.”

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