Thursday, December 27, 2012


It is getting beyond the talking stage. Now at some point, if the Fed keeps debasing the dollar, someone will need a stable currency. Texas could conceivably start the movement toward this--if it is serious, that is.

One thing is clear: Democrat states and our Democrat federal government are careening toward bankruptcy.
Knowing the Fed as I think I do, I would fully expect them to issue more unbacked currency to bail out these profligate states. Unless your state were independent by that time, you would be paying the price of this policy. This would definitely be unsustainable but that would not stop these insane people, and you would be caught in the middle. The dollar would quickly become worthless. Any state wishing to push back in an effort to survive would eventually need to become independent of the plummeting dollar.
I have suggested this before but have gotten nothing but blank stares. Maybe this time someone is listening? I mean, what is the point of declaring independence if your state is still subject to the vicissitudes of suicidal federal monetary policy? Independence means nothing without monetary independence.
Don Hank

Texas Nationalist Movement Releases Independence Referendum Bill

As the opening day of the 83rd session of the Texas Legislature approaches, the time to push past the "independence" rhetoric is here.

We are making a copy of the independence referendum legislation available to you RIGHT NOW so that YOU can share it with your friends, family, neighbors and, more importantly, your representatives.

The bill is provided in PDF format for easy printing and sharing.

You can download a copy at this link:

To find out how to contact your State Representative and State Senator you can visit this site:

We also encourage you to gather with us on the NORTH steps of the Capitol on January 8th to let our elected officials know that we want them to file the bill. You can get more details here:

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