Tuesday, December 18, 2012

RedState Briefing 12/18/2012

Morning Briefing
For December 18, 2012

1.  Question One in Our National Conversation: Why Did Gun Control Fail the Families of Newtown
Were we a decent society, we would allow the parents of Newtown to grieve before we started talking about taking away guns. We are not a decent society, and the ghoulish, deranged left is once again trying to use a tragedy as an opportunity.

So, as they begin their ritual descent into bathing in the blood of children about whom they wouldn’t care were they just inside the birth canal, let’s have the “conversation” about pretending away the Second Amendment they want. Because they want to change the law, the burden of proof lies on them; so here is the first question they must answer:

Why didn’t restrictive gun control laws save the victims of Newtown? . . . please click here for the rest of the post 

2. Welcome to the Senate, Mr. Scott
Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina leaves the Senate on December 31st. Replacing him will be Congressman Tim Scott. Yesterday, Governor Nikki Haley made the announcement that she would choose Congressman Scott for the replacement.

Governor Haley and the future Senator called me Friday morning before the announcement was made. Governor Haley emphasized that Senator Scott would be as independent as Senator DeMint. In fact, Congressman Scott presently is in the House leadership and maintains a consistently higher Heritage Action rating than most members of leadership and, at 88%, is well higher than the House average.

Governor Haley and Congressman Scott both were insistent that Congressman Scott is not a diversity pick. He’s a conservative pick by a conservative Governor to represent a conservative state. But it can’t help but be noticed that in 2013 the only black Senator will be a Republican from the state wherein the first shots of the Civil War were fired.

I have long noted that the Tea Party, which pushed both Nikki Haley and Tim Scott as candidates, is far more diverse than the Republican establishment. Josh Kraushaar also notices this over at National Journal. . . . please click here for the rest of the post 

3.  Take Action Now: White House, State Dept. Silent As Mexican Jailers Chain U.S. Marine To Bed For Months
An Iraq War veteran is being held in a Mexican jail, chained to his bed, his life continuously threatened, while his family is extorted for money…and our nation’s leaders appear impotent (or negligent) by their failure to help him.

After you’ve read the story below, please go to the White House petition and sign it to press the Obama Administration to start working to bring Jon Hammar home. . . . please click here for the rest of the post 

4.  Obama’s ‘Disaster’ Aid Package
Democrats live by the dictum “never let a good crisis go to waste.”  What better way to insert their campaign wish list into a Hurricane Sandy disaster aid bill?

To that end, Obama has submitted a $60.4 billion dollar aid request for recovery of damage from Hurricane Sandy.  His proposal is chock full of items from his campaign wish list, and will be considered before the Senate this week.

In case you were thinking that the $60 billion price tag sounds too steep, you’re not missing something.  Only $11.5 billion will go towards FEMA’s disaster relief fund.  CBO projects that 64% of the funds will not be spent until FY 2015.  The entire rationale of an emergency bill is that the aid money is desperately needed now.  The fact that much of the funds will not be spent for several years reveals this as a liberal stimulus bill.  Here are some of the items on Obama’s Santa list. . . . please click here for the rest of the post 

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Sincerely yours,

Erick Erickson
Editor-in-Chief, RedState

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