Friday, October 12, 2012


Obama, Islam and a Sea of Lies
The United States of America is a country built on Judeo Christian values and tradition. We have always carried the light of freedom and hope for the world, allowing different beliefs and religions to feel safe. However, Islam MUST address the ‘gangrene’ of hate, intolerance and murder that they preach, protect and promote......
by Laurie Roth


  1. This article promulgates several insidious lies. "Laurie Roth" says, "Obama wears a ring that says in Arabic, “There is no God but Allah.” This is false. A photograph of Obama's ring is at There are no words inscribed on it.

    Roth says, "Obama made sure the producer of the [anti-Islamic] film was arrested at 1:30 AM in the morning at gunpoint and thrown in jail." This is false. Obama had no input into the process. The producer agreed to come in for questioning (and possibly was glad for some protection from the sheriff's office.) He was only arrested days later because he had violated parole conditions on his bank fraud conviction. There was no First Amendment issue in his case.

    Roth says, "Ambassador Steven’s [sic] asked and begged for extra security, a barbed wire fence and more personnel." Roth does not know what she is talking about. It is far from clear what the communications were with the state department, and no one involved has alleged any such request from Stevens.

    Roth seems like she might be mentally ill. She repeatedly makes assertions that are bizarrely untrue. This is especially alarming in someone who supposedly has a Ph.D.

    1. There are no lies here! Although SNOPES, a Soros operation, tries to debunk, they failed!
      Ambassador Stevens DID request more protection only to be 'served up' to Al Qaeda much as a sacrificial lamb to allow Obama to continue his farce of a failed foreign policy!
      Your sad attempt to cover for a lousy failure of a bPresident in indicative of a closed mind! Pastor Lee
