Monday, October 22, 2012


Dear Conservatives,

Do you think millions of workers should be forced by federal law to pay tribute to union officials just to get or keep their jobs?

Clearly President Obama and U.S. Senate candidate Congresswoman Shelley Berkley have demonstrated by their words and deeds that they do.

The good news is that Mitt Romney and Senator Dean Heller are firmly on record against forced unionism.

Can our nation afford four more years of Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and a union puppet National Labor Relations Board bent on expanding Big Labor's forced dues power?

Big Labor clearly understands the stakes in this watershed election. The union bosses are funneling over one BILLION dollars into the campaigns of their handpicked candidates especially in key states like Nevada.

What you do today could make the difference between Big Labor control over the White House and Congress.

That's why, with the critical November 6 General Election fast approaching, it's more vital than ever you know where all of your candidates stand on the forced-unionism issue.

Today, I'm pleased to report to you that Senator Dean Heller supports enactment of a National Right to Work law which would repeal the current federal authorization for forced union dues.

He also opposes monopoly union power over government workers and supports the Freedom From Union Violence Act, which would close the loophole in federal law which exempts union bosses from federal prosecution for acts of violence committed in the so-called "pursuit of legitimate union objectives."

But, I have bad news, too.

Democrat candidate Shelley Berkley has refused to return her survey.

Sadly, it's no surprise that Shelley Berkley would try to hide her terrible record on the forced-unionism issue.

That's why I'm counting on you to submit your Electronic Message to Shelley Berkley insisting she apologize for her record and demanding she go on the record in opposition to forced unionism.

You see, as much as she might wish otherwise, Ms. Berkley's record is no secret.

In fact, Shelley Berkley is so deep in Big Labor's pocket that while in the U.S. House, she not only voted for the so-called "Card Check" Bill, but she even COSPONSORED it.

That bill would have done away with the secret ballot in union organizing drives, and instead, forced employees to "vote" whenever and wherever a squad of union toughs could corner them with a so-called "authorization card."

I'm sure you can see why I'm so concerned.

You and I already know what Shelley Berkley, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama have done to our country by pushing Big Labor's forced-unionism agenda:

*** Special exemptions for the union bosses in the healthcare law, and a union-friendly National Labor Relations Board have been the norm;
*** The American economy plummeting to new lows -- with millions of American workers unable to get a job, forced unionism has made it more difficult for the economy to bounce back;
*** Government sector union bosses running state after state into the ground, and instead of shouldering cuts or taking blame for the problems, they have incited strikes, slowdowns, and workplace unrest.
Clearly, the stakes for this election couldn't be higher.

Will your next U.S. Senator help us begin to reverse four years of damage and decline, or dedicate their entire term in office trying to indulge the union bosses' every whim?

That's why it's more important than ever that all your candidates for Senate go on record AGAINST Big Labor's forced-dues agenda.

Click here to send your Electronic Message and turn up the heat on Shelley Berkley.

You and I both know we all pay a high price for forced unionism:
*** Millions of workers are forced to surrender billions of dollars each year to keep their jobs. This cash funds violent "organizing" drives and a limousine lifestyle for union bigwigs;
*** Big Labor's power is deadly to millions of small businesses. Pro-forced-unionism politicians and Obama-stacked bureaucracies are strangling small businesses with confiscatory taxes, destructive laws and straitjacket regulations;
*** Wasteful work rules, job featherbedding, slowdowns, "sick-outs," strikes, and the union-label, hate-the-boss mentality have all taken their crippling toll, driving millions of jobs overseas or out of existence;
*** Then to rub salt in the wound, so-called Project Labor Agreements and other special union privilegesguarantee that tens of thousands of the jobs that are left get earmarked for 7% of the workforce within Big Labor's empire -- freezing out everybody else.
Without a Pro-Right to Work majority in Congress, I'm afraid there's not much hope of turning things around.

That's why it's vital you give Democrat Shelley Berkley a piece of your mind TODAY and demand she apologize for the years she's spent carrying water for Big Labor, and return her Candidate Survey, pledging to oppose forced unionism.

But with Election Day fast approaching, there isn't a moment to waste.

Please, click here to submit your Electronic Message to Shelley Berkley right away

And after you do, I hope you'll chip in with a contribution of $10 or more to help pay for the Right to Work Candidate Survey Program.

With so much at stake this year, we're really stretching our budget to put the heat on the candidates and keep opponents of forced unionism informed.

So, if you can chip in to help us get the truth out about President Obama and Shelley Berkley's illicit ties to Big Labor, I'd really appreciate it.

Whatever you can do will help.

But please, contact Shelley Berkley today. That's most important.

Mark Mix

P.S. One of your candidates for the U.S. Senate -- Democrat Shelley Berkley -- has refused to tell you and your fellow citizens her true position on the forced-unionism issue.

But she can't hide her record of voting for the anti-secret ballot "Card Check" Bill, and to unionize virtually every firefighter and police officer in the country.

It's vital you put the heat on Shelley Berkley at once and insist she change her ways, and instead pledge 100% opposition to the union bosses' radical agenda

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