Friday, October 12, 2012


2012 VP Debate: Brainy Hairline Versus Crazy Plugged Brain

by lisarichardsrocknrollpolitics

While last night's Vice Presidential debate will have both sides loving their candidate's responses, it is still the presidential debates that count the most. Unless of course one's mental condition is part of leadership qualification. In that case, Joe Biden's actions last night proved botched abortions are a reason abortion should never be practiced period.

Biden has been likened to everyone's crazy uncle everyone puts up with during every holiday. Unless of course you have one relative with a medical license who has the good sense to splash a drop of Visine into the crazy uncle's water glass so he's forced to spend the rest of the day and night in the privy under the assumption he developed a horrid case of the flu.
No, I've never done that, but I have heard it works to superb satisfaction on crazy people.
Still, Joe Biden's unchained reaction to the questions posed was insulting to say the least. He laughed off the fact that the Obama Administration ignored pleas for help and more security from Ambassador Stevens to President Obama and the State Department.
We all know you're America's Jack of Ass Joe Biden, but do America a favor and do not laugh when this particular subject is discussed. Your laughing, your smirking, was beyond cruel. You seem to forget there are four widows whose husbands were massacred because you and your boss ignored them when they begged for your help.
Not to mention you did not answer the question regarding Libya and the lack of security, or the fact a youtube video is not the reason the Embassy was attacked on the eleventh year of 9/11! Congressman Ryan did, and he pointed out what I just stated!
Biden chose to ignore the facts and continue the cover-up all of America is disgusted with.
Of course there was the 90 minutes of questions and rude, ill-mannered interruptions.
Every time Ryan answered a question, or made the attempt to answer questions posed to him, Biden either laughed or interrupted like a 10 year-old spoiled brat who demands all attention be on him and no one else.
Despite Biden's obvious attempts to undermine the 27 years younger Paul Ryan, Ryan did not give into the petty schoolboy snottiness or Biden's pathetic rewriting of history. Ryan pushed on with facts, facts that can be verified, such as Presidents Coolidge, Kennedy, and Reagan cutting taxes across the board, which grew the economy and jobs under his administration. Biden knows this, that's why he yelled "Oh so now you're Jack Kennedy!"
Ryan should have turned to Biden and said: "No Joe, I'm not Jack Kennedy, but you sure act like Ted Kennedy."
How dare a 42 year-old intellect, with an incredible hairline Biden's money was unable to attain, one up the coal miner's son on Democrat Party history!
Worse, Ryan explained how Social Security and Medicare can, and should, be reformed. Biden loves this subject. All Democrats do, after all, the invented the thieving of every American's weekly paycheck to fund the government.  So discussing anything that drags the middle-class into Biden's mud sling is the chance to show-off his coal-mining up-bringing, his desire to rescue the middle-class from evil, wealthy, over-taxed job creators.
Biden insisted The Ryan Plan—"Path To Prosperity"—would undermine Social Security and Medicare and everyone 55 and under would lose their healthcare. Ryan detailed how this would not happen under his plan, while exposing Obama's plan to fund Obamacare by removing nearly one trillion from Medicare!
Again Biden laughed. Everything is a joke to Biden. But I suppose Biden had no choice as he sat there looking at Ryan thinking: "Damn that kid has a magnificent hairline!"
Once again, four years after the Biden's first Vice Presidential debate, Biden was forced to debate someone far prettier than he. My God that sucks!
However, Biden knew enough not to laugh or smirk in any way when Ryan stated that his mother Betty lives on Social Security and has Medicare, and it has helped her enormously, especially after Ryan's father died and Betty was left to raise her children alone while working her way through college. Ryan said he would never do anything take that from his mother or any senior.
The fact is, what is left of Social Security must be reformed and done in a way that the government cannot continue dipping its paws into the fund, that is in fact the people's paychecks, to use for government pet projects. If this is not stopped, all Americans under 55 will continue having the IRS steal money earned paycheck dollars Americans will never see in the future. So reforming the program for the younger generation to decide how they wish to fund their future makes sense. But only if you're a free-market conservative, who believes Americans should have full choice in their own medical treatments, as well as what they do with their individually earned income.
That right there is a big problem for Biden and his Marxist boss Obama: they don't want any of you making your own choices in anything. They want all of you under government control, telling you how much you can and cannot earn, how to live, and what you can and cannot own.
In Biden's case, he'll never own a hairline. Ryan will always have his.
Still, last night's debate displayed a petty one-up attitude Joe Biden has always had and doesn't know how to control. Ryan, on the other hand, demonstrated he was the grown up, as well as the man who doesn't need to follow a yellow brick road to obtain a brain.
Biden spent 90 minutes rewriting history, while Ryan gave Biden history lessons.
Biden spent 90 minutes laughing at serious problems this country faces, while Ryan explained what we need to do to fix the serious problems our enemies are laughing at as they plan and commit more attacks against America..
Ryan spent 90 minutes proving he already is America's new Vice President, while Biden...well he demonstrated why sharing Chris Matthews meds is not a good idea.

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