Friday, September 21, 2012


It’s the Marxist Stupid!

by lisarichardsrocknrollpolitics

America is not the problem with America; the problem is President Obama and his Marxist policies.

In 2008, when Obama was campaigning for the presidency, he told “Joe the Plumber” he wanted “to spread the wealth around…[but also] eliminate the capital gains tax,”  the media refused to utter one word about the phrase “spread the wealth” being Marxist code speech for communism: “public ownership of the means of production, centralized economic planning, and the widespread redistribution of wealth.”
Furthermore, during the 2008 primary debate with Senator Hillary Clinton, Obama owned up to Charlie Gibson about to what he really wanted to do: “I would look at raising the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness.”
Obama, who told Americans he would eliminate that tax, wanted that tax raised on all Americans above low-income standards.

And note the other Marxist code phrase Obama threw out that was ignored by the media: “fairness.” That Marxist socials justice code speech that demands everyone earn the exact same amount of money and no one own more than another.

If you have more than others, you must pay your fair share; you must give up your fair share.
The big problem here is that so many Americans saw the phase “fairness” as a way to up their ante in getting ahead. Too many ignored the real meaning behind those words: take from those with more, spread those takings equally among everyone else and no one will ever be richer than another.
Obama voters did not see, or care, that this ideology would not only prevent them from ever getting ahead, but it would eventually create poverty against all people while propping up Democrat Leftists with more power and more money.
Americans were not remember what Cato Institute’s Aaron Ross Powell states so well:
The argument against paying more taxes or creating more federal programs is not that we all should keep our money even if it means accomplishing nothing and having no nice things. Rather it’s that if we kept our money and had fewer federal programs, we’d accomplish more and have more nice things. Without the state stifling innovation, hindering entrepreneurs, wasting resources, and crowding out private action, we would get even more done together.
Government interference, government programs that decide what people can and cannot do, choosing how people and where they live, how much money they are allowed to earn, what each must dole out to the government, has not raised revenues in America. Marxist economics has raised poverty since Wilson, who adhered to German progressive economics, and FDR, who followed John Maynard Keynes. These policies trickled down from Marxist economics and  lowered revenues while “stifling” every individual’s abilities to be who they were created to be.
Many Americans argued against Obama’s Marxist rhetoric.  But not enough voters were willing to denounce him in November 2008. Not enough were willing to reject his “charismatic” political ideology. Too many were willing to vote for false “Hope and Change” without bothering to ask why anyone would want to change America. Those people forgot to read The Communist Manifesto and Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals, a book written to teach people how to “undermine the system” with “political relativists,” and full-blown anti-Semitism.
Notice Obama’s back-turning toward Israel, his demands Israel return to the pre-67’ borderlines. This is part of the Alinksy model. Had Obama voters bothered to read, as well as check into Obama’s background, they would have understood Barack Obama’s hope for change is Marxism.
But the uninformed, as well as the hopeful takers, elected Obama to the presidency, only wanting to hear the social justice rhetoric of a socialist professor who Obama greatly admires:  John Rawls,’ whose “principle states that social and economic positions are to be (a) to everyone's advantage and (b) open to all.”
Obama voters who fell for his Marxist change are now either receiving more welfare through taxpayers losing their homes and jobs, or, taxpayers who voted for Obama, and once had a good life, have lost it all and are becoming members of the government dependents.
Still, so many of these people refuse to see it’s not the wealthy, it’s not America, and it’s not the founding or the Constitution! It's the Marxist stupid!
Four years later, there are complaining  Obama voters.  Their paychecks are either gone or being stretched beyond what they can afford. Despite complaints, many Obama voters are determined to reelect him. They believe he did not add five trillion more debt in three short years, or grow the government to mass proportions beyond that of any past president combined. These people have fallen for the caste rhetoric of Obama, Marx, Rawls and Alinsky: You don’t have because others with more money and more property have it all!
Yes, blame everyone who has more than you. Be jealous of the rich, hate wealth, and occupy everything that other people have, taking their fair share and spreading it around to those who didn’t earn it!
That has become the stupidity mentality in America today. Yet, no matter how often Obama’s failed policies prove he’s a Marxist, his minions, and those who promote his policies, refuse to admit Marxism is an utter failure and will destroy America if Obama is reelected and his real plans, are allowed to be implemented.
The Marxist revolutionaries did not blame their theory for these failures; instead they blamed the ‘ruling class,’ which had bought off the workers by giving them “rights,” and had blinded them with a “false consciousness” that led them to support national governments and liberal democracy.
This is exactly what Obama keeps doing on a daily basis: blame the rich, the rich need to pay their fair share, 99% of Americans are paying for everything while 1% lives off everyone: “Barack Obama proposed to ‘ask for the wealthy to pay a little bit more’ in taxes—to ‘give something back’—on the grounds that ‘if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own’ because others have ‘helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive.’
The top 10 percent of income earners paid 71 percent of all federal income taxes in 2009 though they earned 43 percent of all income. The bottom 50 percent paid 2 percent of income taxes but earned 13 percent of total income. About half of tax filers paid no federal income tax at all.
Marx’s economics failed miserably: The Soviet Union and now a crumbling  Europe. Spreading wealth, or making everyone equal in every way—communism—simply cannot work. Eventually everyone suffers and demands their freedom.
But Obama is determined to convince Americans that we are greedy people who need to share everything we earn with those less fortunate, despite the fact the so-called less fortunate receive disposable income, free housing, food, utilities, medical treatment, even scholarships for their children to enter private schools if they happen to be low-income minorities.
Obama does not want everyone in America equal in liberty or making as much money as they wish. Obama does not want Americans creating businesses, because that creates jobs and wealth. Instead, Obama’s Marxist ideology is intent on making people believe wealth and private property ownership is wrong: Tell low-income Americans they are still not free as long as the wealthy still exist:
Even though the citizens of industrial nations had dethroned their hereditary rulers and vested sovereignty in themselves, this did not mean they were free. Though liberated from serfdom, workers were now “wage-slaves,” captives to Capital, the alien power alleged by Marx to rule the modern world in a fashion analogous to the aristocracies and oligarchies of the past. Behind the facade of political democracy, governments are controlled by ‘ruling classes,’ the owners of Capital who just as effectively keep the citizenry in chains.
What is sad is too many Americans are being trained to believe this while blaming the wealthy.
Many now claim the wealthy are making a living off the poor.
It’s impossible to get rich off the poor, but the Marxist indoctrination that the rich take from the poor to enrich their coffers has been instilled into the minds of many in order to create a poor-man’s attitude against wealth. The goal is to destroy wealth:
It is this attitude that inspires the viciousness of left-wing politics, the desire to destroy the opposition entirely, to eliminate adversaries from the field of battle. It is also the perspective that creates the reckless disregard radicals have for institutions and traditions, for what has been created by the generations that went before. In order to create true freedom, the civil orders and binding faiths of democratic systems must be subverted and then destroyed. Treachery and lies are justifiable means to achieve such fiercely desired ends.
By manipulating people’s thinking, the real culprit who creates the mess gets away with economic and cultural destruction.
Yes, America has a big problem: President Obama and his Marxist policies. And that Marxist is making everyone else stupid!

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