Sunday, September 16, 2012


The Film Was Not The CAUSE
by: Lee S Gliddon Jr

Obama and his buddies in the Main Stream Media are doing everything they can to sell the idea that a film was to blame for the attacks upon our Embassies. They are going so far as to have our own officials deny that there was premeditation on the part of the Al Qaeda members involved.

There are several questions I would like answers to so as to learn the entire truth of this matter.

1. Our Embassy in Libya is in Tripoli. When was it moved to Benghazi?

2. Why is the President of Libya, Mohammed el-Megarif, differing with the Obama Administration about the attack being pre-planned? Does he have anything to gain by his stance?

"The idea that this criminal and cowardly act was a spontaneous protest that just spun out of control is completely unfounded and preposterous," Megarif told NPR. "We firmly believe that this was a pre-calculated, pre-planned attack that was carried out specifically to attack the U.S. Consulate." 


3. We all are aware of the 'thin skinned' nature of Muslims as they rebel against things such as the 'Muhammad Cartoons,'  The 'Koran Burning s in Afghanistan,' and similar occurrences, but are Libyans prepared to forego all the Foreign Aid money sent them? I think not!

Rather than Obama laying the blame on a nonsensical film I am of the opinion that he should first look at his own Administration. After all he claimed (in 2008) to be so well informed on Muslim cultures that he must know that a female Secretary of State would be offensive to them. Then, his appointing a gay man would be even more inflammatory to  Middle Eastern dignitaries.

No, a single film cannot be blamed as it is the multitude of ill thought out actions performed by the Obama Administration that are the causes and should they continue we must be prepared for WWIII and the horrors to unfold!

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