Friday, September 7, 2012


The Racist Skin Color Vote is More Important to Americans than Competency

by lisarichardsrocknrollpolitics

Democrats and leftists make everything a racial thing. Race and skin color are the decisive factor for the Left and they will use race and skin color to push every agenda into power.
When Barry Obama became the first black president--despite being half white— it was all about skin color. never mind Obama was so far to the left, he made  Jimmy Carter look like William F. Buckley!
Never mind Obama lacked  experience beyond Chicago community organizer and a do-nothing Senator--unless it came to partial birth abortion--and has a sketchy past no one's allowed to question, All that matters is he has black skin.
Black skin never works if black candidates  are Republican. Then  black Americans are traitors.
Now president  Obama and his Marxist policies are up for reelection, and again skin color is the all determining factor.  And the left is using it as race war weaponry to reelect the most dangerous man in Oval Office history.

Bill Clinton's groping hands we not this dangerous.
America is being led by a socialist with global collective plans he has yet to unleash. But the mainstream media won’t question these plans because Obama is black-skinned.
Obama won’t explain his dangerous plans for America either:
Obama vowed that as U.S. Senator, he would be ‘a champion for the progressive agenda’ and boasted that he had ‘demonstrated the backbone and passion to really fight for the progressive causes, even when the political winds are blowing in the other direction.
Barack Obama was just 24 and, according to his own account, searching to define himself as a black man, when he took a job with the Developing Communities Project, built on the Alinsky model on Chicago’s South Side. As he makes clear in his memoir, being black meant identifying with the oppressed. As an organizer for the DCP, Obama’s job was to engage the project’s constituency following the rules set forth by Alinsky as a guide. Make them aware of their misery, lead them to blame government and corporations for everything wanting in their lives, and bring them together in a group to demand redress by whatever means will make it a matter of self-preservation for government and business to meet their demands.
Obama's anti-capitalist background and views are well documented: His father was a communist; his mother was a communist sympathizer; in his youth he was mentored by the communist Frank Marshall Davis; he sought out Marxist friends and professors at Occidental College; he attended Socialist Scholars Conferences in New York; he was trained in the community-organizing methods of Saul Alinsky, a communist fellow traveler; he developed close ties to the pro-socialist community organization ACORN; he developed close personal and political ties to the infamous Marxists (and former domestic terrorists) Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn; he was hand-picked for his first political office by Alice Palmer, a pro-Soviet figure in Illinois; in the 1990s he became a member of the New Party, a socialist political coalition; he had close connections to the Midwest Academy, a radical training ground which author Stanley Kurtz has described as a “crypto-socialist organization”; and he spent twenty years attending the church of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who preaches the Marxist doctrines of liberation theology. As President, Obama appointed Carol Browner, a former “commissioner” of the Socialist International as his “environment czar”; he employed a White House communications director (Anita Dunn) who cited Mao Zedong as one of her “favorite political philosophers”; he appointed a “science czar,” John Holdren, who views capitalism as a system that is inherently destructive of the environment; he appointedVan Jones, a longtime revolutionary communist, as his “green jobs czar”; and he strongly favors the redistribution of wealth, both within the U.S. and across international borders. The list, of course, could go on and on.
If Obama states who he really is and what he really wants: End capitalism and install a socialist state, only Hollywood and radical leftists will reelect Obama. So skin color must be pushed instead of the real policy and agenda.
Black skin color is promoted; white skin is blamed for poverty in America. Black skin color is promoted; white skin is blamed for job loss. Never mind that under the Obama administration, unemployment for black Americans is at 15% and rising. This black man held back the rising tides he can walk on!
Pushing skin color and race is the only way the left can get votes  from those they hold down—Blacks, Hispanics and Jews. And black Americans are paraded out as  mascots, all the while continuing to keep as many black Americans in housing projects as possible for the vote.
In 2008, Skin color was used as a weapon by  Philadelphia Black Panthers, who stood outside polling stations intimidating white-skinned Americans, stating they were “going to get a black man elected no matter what."
Obama and Eric Holder have yet to condemn that racist act.
American college students cast their vote for Obama because he’s black and they wanted to say they elected a black president.
Many whites adults did the same, including Christians who felt guilted into voting for a black man, because at one time slavery was legal in America, so it was time a  black man had a chance. Unless of course that black man was the black-skinned, Republican, Tea Party conservative Alan Keyes, then he was to be ignored as a traitor to his black skin color!
Obama won the 2008 election due to racism!
Skin color and gender should never come into play when electing a president, the person who can keep America safe, lower taxes and government spending, protect the Supreme Court, defend the Constitution, and rein in an out of control government should be first and foremost.
That’s all been swept under the rug by the New Left. Just don’t tell black Americans!
In 2008, as now, ability and experience flew out the window in lieu of race: Remember The View co-host Whoopie Goldberg telling Americans she never felt like she had a place in America, but now can finally put her suit case down now that Obama is president. Apparently Goldberg felt blacks were not American citizens until 2008.
Black preacher T.D. Jakes, an alleged Born Again pro-lifer,  told Christians to vote for Obama rather than the pro-life McCain and Evangelical Palin.   Jakes congratulated Obama when he won the election, stating this:
[This is not just a victory for African Americans, it is a victory for democracy that proves that our country provides possibilities for all people. It is also a sign that a metamorphosis is in progress. Today we saw that Americans respect experience, but are interested in change. I hope that we can somehow merge the best ideas of our differences and emerge with a president who epitomizes our highest and best ideals. While it remains unclear where we are going, last night proves that we as a people have moved beyond business as usual.
Dull-minded Evangelicals Jakes followers words listened and cast their vote for Obama,  skin color and “progress,” that key phrase that says change America.
So much for reverse Jim Crowe racism!
Once again voting proved too many Americans are either incompetent and should be tested for competency before voting.
Obama won the 2008 election and now the constitution hangs in the balance. But all that matters to many is Obama’s skin color not policy.
And this week’s Democrat National Convention  made much of the platform--other than abortion-- about race and gender: A woman’s right to abortion via Planned Parenthood, the organization founded on exterminating the black race. Of course now PPH is about sex selection abortion as well as race.
Just don’t tell black Americans or women!
Skin color should never make the difference to  voters, neither should gender, wealth, nor lack thereof, but for Democrats and leftists it makes all the difference.

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