Monday, August 27, 2012


The Real Occupy Movement That Is Taking Over America

by lisarichardsrocknrollpolitics

There is an occupy movement bigger than Occupy Wall Street. This movement is far more dangerous to the American culture and society than a bunch of unwashed heathen pot-heads who want everything handed to them on a coke-lined mirror.

These occupiers occupy American jobs, educations, welfare, healthcare and public housing. These occupiers march in protest against Americans and this country they insist they have the right to conquer.
Now these occupiers want to occupy the American vote without legalization and naturalization. They believe they have the right to amnesty.
Yes, that’s right; I’m talking about the occupying illegal aliens.
Illegal aliens spell disaster for American jobs, education, and culture if their occupation is not stopped, the borders controlled, The DREAM Act crushed, Obamacare repealed, and deportation enforced.
In 1985 America was warned of this dangerous occupation. America was told told illegal immigration would destroy the United States. The invasion had many legislators worried about America’s future if deportation and border security were not enforced. Republican Colorado Governor Richard Lamm forewarned that unless illegal immigration is halted, “we shall leave a legacy of strife, violence, and joblessness for our children.”  Democratic Florida Senator Lawton Chiles said that “if we do not regain control of our borders . . . I think that within ten years, we will not recognize the United States as the United States we see today.”

Although legislation was enacted with intentions to halt the influx of illegal immigration—if you can truly call it working to fix the borders—it failed. Too many Republicans and Democrats prefer securing their lips to the rear end of illegal aliens in order to occupy the Hispanic vote versus protecting America’s best interests.  So instead, legislation awarded amnesty and enabled foreign occupiers to continue their invasion of America.
Now foreign occupation is out of control: “One of every 11 Arizona residents is an illegal immigrant; in California it is one of every 15,”  and these numbers rise daily, making Lamm and Chiles’ predictions about an unrecognizable United States true.

Senior Fellow Victor Davis Hanson of the Hoover Institute notes that “labor-intensive jobs” for South West growers, once performed by Americans at top wages, are now occupied by an abundance of Mexicans under the age of 40 who are willing to work longer hours at lower wages.

With over 20 million Americans out of work and losing everything, you mean to tell me there aren’t any Americans willing to take those jobs to regain their losses and rebuild their lives?

Another problem is illegal women hire themselves out as housekeepers in affluent neighborhoods around the country at lower wages than the American citizen would receive. The employer may profit from paying less for services, but the Mexican government is profiting big time off the United States via the illegal: Illegal immigrants have families in their home countries that they send their American earnings to. It is that foreign government that collects the funds, not the U.S. economy. At the same time, American women whose families have lost everything need those jobs, and those American women should be fighting for those jobs. American women who have lost jobs and homes should not sit by and let foreigners take the money Americans need and should be earning. And employers should refuse to hire any illegal, knowing they are contributing to the loss of American jobs and homes and the downing of the economy.
But there is another problem enabling foreign occupation: The Occupy Wall Street Movement  refuses to perform labor-intensive jobs at top American wages. This allows illegals an open door to occupying American jobs. If young college students would get up off their lazy, filthy, tent-hovelled rear-ends and hire themselves out as landscapers and housekeepers, America would see a rise in employment to Americans rather than illegals. But too many Americans are selfish and lazy. Furthermore, many Americans side with illegal aliens, seeing them as discriminated against.

Sadly it is the American who is discriminated against every time illegals occupy American jobs and government programs.
The right thing to do is to discriminate against law-breakers.
Those who hire illegals enable economic down-turns and crime in America, because many illegals have committed violent crimes against Americans.
As noted above, illegal immigration occupies government entitlement programs. Victor Davis Hanson says once the low-wage illegal reaches the age of 40, he or she is no longer in good health “…and older immigrants can become a drain on the economy because of their need for entitlement programs.”
This explains the tens of billions spent annually on welfare to illegal aliens by American taxpayers.
[A]mnesty now would encourage future illegal immigration in the hope of a further amnesty. Amnesty makes a mockery of immigration laws and rewards those who came illegally, even as many potential immigrants wait years for the right to come legally.

Those entering illegally are not seeking to become Americans or they would take the path of legal immigration and assimilation. By violating U.S. laws, illegals demonstrate they have no desire to work for anything but the occupation of this nation. Not only should illegal immigrants be deported, but foreigners who want to enter America’s doors should pay for the right to be here.

Gay S. Becker says that:
selling the right to immigrate would be the best approach to legal immigration. Among other benefits, the revenue from immigrants’ payments could reduce taxes. Paying for the right to immigrate would also negate the argument that immigrants get a free ride when they gain health care and other benefits. Moreover, making immigrants pay would attract the type of immigrants who came much earlier in American history: young men and women who are reasonably skilled and want to make a long-term commitment to the United States. They would be willing to pay a perhaps sizable price because they would stand to benefit significantly from migrating. To prevent the price from excluding young and ambitious men and women who would like to immigrate but cannot afford to come, the U.S. government could encourage a loan program that would be similar to the loans available to college students. The analogy is close because immigration, like college, is an investment in human capital.

Coming to America legally always paid off in the past, and those immigrants contributed to the growth of the American economy versus its destruction. Today we see a destructive occupation of our nation’s values, culture, heritage, language, government, and our very history.

Every leader who allows illegal immigrant occupation to continue enables the takeover of America by people who do not hold America or the American people in high regards. This occupation must stop, but it can only happen with the American voter electing the right leadership into power; leadership that wants to save this nation, not see it fall into the hands of foreign occupation.

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