Monday, August 6, 2012


Obamacare to Create Big Brother, says Lawmaker
Scores of new federal mandates and about 21 different tax increases totaling $400 billion are imposed under Obamacare, many of the increases hidden from voters, according to finance experts such as Fox Business Channel's Stuart Varney. In addition to more complicated tax returns, families and small businesses will be forced to reveal further tax information to the IRS, provide proof of government approved health care and submit detailed sales information to comply with new excise taxes......
by NWV News


  1. Anyone who calls Barack Obama a SCAOMF or a fraud, is in fact, a racist, bigot, brain-dead, black-hating scumabg!

    They sound scary to uneducated people so they just call everyone who disagrees with them that.

    They also like to call him a Socialist, Marxist, Communist, Dictator and a Fascist.

    They have no idea what these terms actually mean, they just sound scary and call people that.

    Anybody with a half brain knows that a left wing fascist is an oxymoron just a like a Muslim/Atheist. Not only that, but how could a Socialist support corporate interests such as bail outs? It doesn't even make sense.

    Can Obama be impeached? No. Impeachment requires a crime. He has committed no crime. Expect being black! What crime has he committed? None so no, he cannot be impeached.

    It seems like he just wants to call Obama the biggest liar among Presidents and expects us to just take his word for it.

    Among the few lies he does identify, he mentions first that Obama lied about his mother's insurance company paying for her cancer treatment. According to the Washington Post, Obama had said that his Mother's insurance company would not pay for her cancer treatments because it was a pre-existing condition. This was not true, but his mother did struggle to pay hundreds of dollars each month in unreimbursed expenses, which might have made it seem like the insurance company was not covering the treatments

    There is the statement attributed to Jonathan Gruber about increased premiums. Apparently that statement is flat wrong, according to Mr. Gruber himself, so calling the premium thing a lie is in itself a Jack Kelly lie.

    The statement about 30 to 50 percent of employers dropping coverage is apparently largely discredited as a flawed survey.

    The statement about 83 percent of doctors considering quitting medicine because of "Obamacare" is disputed as another flawed survey.

    When Jack Kelly says "Mr. Obama makes surreal claims for jobs "created or saved" by his failed stimulus bill" I assume he is talking about the CBO assessment of how many jobs were created or saved by the stimulus. Mybe its just surreal when Obama repeats what the CBO said

    As for playing the most golf, apparently that was actually Woodrow Wilson, who played some 1000 times during his terms (presumably not after the stroke), once every other day. But why should the actual truth concern Mr. Kelly, when his made up truth is so much more satisfying.

    No--this same stuff has been ticking me off all the way back to the sixties. Women are critiqued on their wardrobe, men on what they have to say.

    But, in this case, given the penchant for referring to the First Lady as "Moochelle" and the Wookie references, it would seem that racism has been injected into the picture as well.

    And the throw-the-rock-and-hide-your-h and folks will deny it every single time.

    1. You are wordy aren't you...LOL...I am no racist and only a coward hides behind that claim. If you really look at what Obama has done to America you would be foolish to support him! Rather than account each of his misdeeds suffice it to be said... whether he is Black, Half Black, White, Asian or American Indian he has done more to overthrow the U.S. Constitution than any other human in history.
      He has named Conservatives as being a "danger to America." What he fails to take into account is that whether Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or Independent we are the MAJORITY!
      It is simply due to Liberal/Progressive/Marxist infiltration to the MSM that has allowed this PUNK to get as far as he has.
      Ask yourself, and be truthful, where did Obama get all the money it takes to go to the schools he did? Where3 did the money come from for his travels? Where did the money come from that developed his expensive food tastes? He never earned it! He has MILLIONS in the Cayman Islands but secretes that fact...
      Before you scream in rage ask yourself...who gave him all that money for doing absolutely NOTHING!?
      Getr a life and start learning facts...You will sleep better at night! Pastor Lee
