Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Is America Under Barry Becoming A Totalitarian State?

Jul 11, 2012 02:25 pm

A Totalarian state is one in which the leader, in this case Barry, has total control of the Government and the people. In practice, the term is used to describe a political situation where a small group of people (i.e. AG Eric Holder, Secretary Hilary Clinton, Secretary Janet Napolitano, and Secretary Leon Panetta) or an [...]

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  1. You racist, bigoted slimeballs are pathetic!
    the false equivalencies; the demonizing; the deliberate distortions -- ultimately the unmitigated ignorance -- about what constitutes socialism. Totalitarian Communism has absolutely nothing to do with the Social Democracies of Western Europe, and the humanitarian safety nets they provide, which are the philosophical basis for modern, enlightened civilization.

    Here in the United States, our current Supreme Court, with its "Citizens United" capitulation to corporate power, and our Congress' corrupted relationships with the oligarchs of finance and industry, actively undermine and erode our once-great Democracy. But too many Americans, in their low- information, consumerist stupors, just don't get it.

    Obama is like Hitler? Really? I had no idea.

    I was so tempted to yell IMPEACH YOUR FACES as I passed them but I stopped myself because then I would be just as ignorant as them.

    BUT REALLY? What exactly do you think he should be impeached for? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but Obama is nothing like Hitler and you are so … lame.

    1. To call someone or a group racists is the lowest Liberal ploy used. How many who served in our military would have served with Obama leading their way? I saw combat for freedom not what Obama is selling! The man lies when the truth would suffice! You blame 'corporate powers.'What has Obama done to curb those that steal from us? I'll answer that myself...He gives them more of our money with the agreement that they will give some back to HIM! At least Hitler stole things openly! Obama steals then denies anything was ever stolen! Get a life and wake up to reality. Also, stop the racists BS as it is getting boring to hear! Pastor Lee
