Friday, April 13, 2012


Submitted by: Doc
Clever Elsie
When I was about five, my mother read this grim fairytale to me. I could not understand why simpleton Elsie didn't ask her husband, Hans, to remove the pickaxe stuck in the ceiling over the dinner table. Instead, she wept and fretted that the ax might drop and kill her son when eating. Hans seemed about as smart as a warm rock and did nothing. Elsie went nuts and ran away from her home and never seen again.
A modern analogy of this tale: For more than three years, a lethal weapon has been suspended from the roof of the 'the people's house'. The threat remains lodged in the top of the 'dome of power', but the bludgeon slowly slips from its slot. Among the elected Clever Elsie's, refused to remove the instrument in a timely manner. Neither did they hear nor listen to the warnings from the 'unwashed citizens', who retained the wisdom of a 5 year old child.
When was the last time the dome heads perused Self-Reliance by R. W. Emerson? Apparently, most of us have not the courage and truth from dirty faces of the boy in the man. Why do so many die young? They die young because they don't live long enough to become evil. JFK, MLK, and RFK are good examples.
--Albert, PILMOC

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