Thursday, March 15, 2012


Submitted by: Donald Hank


Exclusive: Joseph Farah likens Mitt-Obama matchup to 2008 election

The media and Republican political establishment have sold the lie that Mitt Romney is the GOP’s best hope for beating Barack Obama in November.
Truthfully, Romney doesn’t stand a chance of defeating Obama. In fact, he’s the only Republican candidate for president who will practically ensure Obama’s re-election.
Let me explain this simply.
If Romney is the Republican nominee, we will see something of a replay of the 2008 presidential election. What happened in that contest, for those who still have not figured it out, is that many Republican and independent voters chose to stay home rather than vote for John McCain.
Romney enthusiastically supported McCain. McCain enthusiastically supports Romney. And no wonder. They are cut from the same cloth – pretenders to the conservative cause whose lifelong political track records in politics betray the rhetoric they employed in quests to secure the Republican nomination.
Some might argue that Obama is more vulnerable today than he was in 2008 because he, too, has a dismal track record in office, with 50 percent disapproval numbers. That’s true. But what is not being factored into the equation is that Romney has baggage even the very unlikable McCain did not have.
Obama and the Democratic machine will have a field day attacking the billionaire Wall Street tycoon and his flip-flopping record. Romney can’t attack Obama on his biggest boondoggle, Obamacare, because he pioneered a nearly identical plan of individual health mandates in Massachusetts. Romney will have no credibility on this issue at all.
In addition, Obama’s surrogates, like Bill Maher, are already softening up Romney with vicious assaults on his Mormon faith.
Further, despite McCain’s many weaknesses as a candidate, he actually had strengths Romney doesn’t have – like his military service and background and his prisoner-of-war saga. Romney is simply going to be portrayed as a privileged elitist taking on the man of the people, Barack Obama.
This is not the matchup opponents of Obama want to see. It’s tailor-made for Obama’s politics of envy and class-warfare strategy. Quite simply, Republicans and independents and Reagan Democrats ought to be praying that anyone but Romney gets the nomination.
Whenever you hear the anointed pundits of the media class telling Republicans whom they should nominate, understand why they are doing it. They do not want to see any Republican victory in 2012. They want to see the status quo preserved. They like Obama. For them, he can do no wrong. So why would people who understand the threat Obama represents to the future of America listen to any of those voices?
We still have a chance to stop Obama in 2012. But nominating Mitt Romney is not the way.
One Republican candidate has emerged as a real alternative to Romney – and that is Rick Santorum. I have known this good man for many years. I did not quickly jump on his bandwagon because I doubted his ability to get this far. He did not have the money. He’s not flashy. He was not a household name nationwide.
But he has defied the odds.
I am convinced Santorum will run much more strongly against Obama than Romney will.
I don’t think I’m alone when I tell you that I could vote enthusiastically for Santorum in a race against Obama. I could not do that if Romney is the nominee. I had the same problem in 2008. It takes someone to beat someone. No matter how dismal Obama’s approval ratings are, he will have $1 billion to spend on campaign ads to reinvent himself and his record.
It’s vital that we deprive Romney delegate votes he needs to secure a first-ballot nomination. I believe that is very doable. If we do that, we might just get a nominee who can provide the nation with a clear contrast between himself and Barack Obama.
Don’t let the media establishment tell you it can’t be done.


  1. Comment by Janet Barnes: It hit me like a ton of bricks this morning. Remember when Nancy Pelosi said, "He will win. There is no doubt, he will win."
    I wondered how can she be so confident without even a shadow of a doubt? This was obviously not wishful thinking it was to her absolute truth, next subject..
    The thing that occurred to me and it is why Obama is helping Romney all he can is that they have the A-Bomb that will annihilate him, it will come the day after he has been crowned as the Republican nominee and it is the Mark of Cain as explained by Joseph Smith. It will be repeated by the MSM from Good Morning to Nightline and Romney will be toast, America will be but a whimper as it falls into the annuls of history.
    Remember this doctrine was not changed by the church until it was legislated by the Federal government and the Mormon "church" leaders decided it would be easier to comply than to spark a new societal condemnation of their religion. It is a cardinal element of their beliefs, it can't be erased by secular law, but the Mormon clergy bowed to the state. Note this is repeating itself in the contraceptive/Obamacare face-off right now. Would Romney who's church went along to get along in their matters of doctrine not expect expediency from those of the Evangelical/Catholic faith?

    Back to my point when the Afro-American population of America (and possibly the Latinos to depending upon how it is presented) hear that Romney believes that their skin color is a result of Cain's sin and that they can never (according to Mormon doctrine) be saved or get to Heaven, do you think they will vote for him? Make no mistake the Black American community is identified by their Christianity, even and maybe especially the social justice and Black Muslim wings of the Black church (they make less divisions than we do).

    The GOP needs to think about the day after the convention and about more than the all inclusive "big tent" of the Republican party. They may not regard the Mormon issue to be anything of substance, I mean who cares what church he goes to? Well, ask Louis Farrakhan what he thinks? Ask Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton and then ask Tom Brokaw and Barbara Walters. Think about it, think about what Chris Matthews and Christine Amanpour (sp). Romney will be finished before he has begun. The election will be lost because the blacks (many of whom we know vote multiple times as well as intimidation at the polling sites) will be mobilized in a way that will make 2008 look like a school board election.

    Mark my words, we must not take this chance is would spell our doom.

    Yours in His service,

    Janet Barnes

  2. COMMENT OF Donald Hank: You know, a lot of biblically minded people have expressed grave concerns about Romney and his religion. Yet, we have had a parade of misfits in the White House for years and most behave worse than atheists. The Mormonism issue seems almost trivial compared to the godless far left and its stranglehold on America. In fact, Mitt's main problem has been his flip-flopping and unreliability.
    But there was an aspect to this that I had not considered. Janet Barnes raises this issue below.
    Don Hank

    When the Afro-American population of America (and possibly the Latinos to depending upon how it is presented) hear that Romney believes that their skin color is a result of Cain's sin and that they can never (according to Mormon doctrine) be saved or get to Heaven, do you think they will vote for him?
