Monday, February 6, 2012


Our fraudulent president cannot pass an E-Verify checkSomeone must have gotten to Judge Malihi with money, threats or other persuasions. You cannot find someone innocent when they didn’t show up for the trial. Obama didn’t show up and his lawyers abdicated. Ironically, Obama has reportedly spent $2 million to seal all his records and maintain a full time law firm to keep his records under strict secrecy. Returning to Judge Malihi’s questionable decision, Kehoe also.....
by Frosty Wooldridge


  1. I recently read an article by J.T. Cronin titled: “OBAMA ELIGIBILITY COURT CASE, BLOW BY BLOW”.

    And, unless that article was a blatant falsehood or a hoax; the claim here by Frosty Wooldridge seems completely justified and compels one to ask: “What the hell is going on”?

    We keep waiting for something to happen on this front; but, if these two articles are indeed true accounts, I suspect we're wasting a lot of time going through the motions of a republican primary election to see who is going to replace Obama. It will not happen.

    1. How disgusting!! This needs ATTENTION NOW ------------not later. America will not survive with this fraud in the white house!!
